Surgery TT~TT

So Friday I have to have surgery to remove my wisdom teeth... I'm so freaking scared TT^TT I've never been put to sleep for a major opperation so it's all new and kind of scary for me. Not only that but I don't do well with pain u_u;; I guess the best part is mom will be video recording me when I wake up. XD haha with any luck hopefully she'll get some pretty funny footage XD Ah well despite that I have so many fanfic ideas that I've been meaning to write out but I need to finish my HimLo and YunJae fics first @~@;; Ah so many ideas not enough time~ Oh well I'll be out of school for the next eight months so hopefully I'll get a lot done in that time. Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas (even if you don't celebrate) and a Happy New Year!! :) 


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redbabo #1
Oh myyy. I have to get mine removed early next year ;;_;;. Yea I just hope it won`t hurt as much afterwards....well good luck to you ^^
Relax about getting put under. You'll close your eyes and the next thing you know you're awake and they've yanked the thing out. Just stay calm and think happy thoughts.
I've been through this before when I got surgery for fixing my backbone and I swear, that is way scarier than having your wisdom tooth pulled out so I know what it's like and can I just say: you won't feel a thing until after the surgery and then it's up to you whether you want to give in to the pain or ignore it. (I suggest you ignore it and keep laughing cuz that works way better than sobbing and groaning.)
Hwaiting^^ You can do it!