Thought of the Day: Trolling

Now this is a pretty commonly discussed issue amongst the Internet community. I kinda had an indirect experience with one last night. Eh, well it was my friend that encountered one (sorry, unnie I had to). My God, may I say how annoying they're? I sound like a butthurt freak but who cares? Sooo~ what's your guys' stand?


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JonghyunnieHyung #1
it slightly amuses me some times....but other times it kinda makes me wanna punch someone in the face .______________.;;
What is trolling?
firelordzuko #3
I troll sometimes, but nothing serious. It's all in good fun. Haha.
that guy was CRAZY
Trolling: The thing people do when they are bored and/ or have no life:/ trolls amuse me... They waste their time on the internet