Author's here on AFF

So, I've been thinking about people who always say 'So and so is the best author' and so forth .-. But there is a BIG difference between people who come up with good stories and people who are good writers. I would have to say that the most thoroughly executed and interesting story lines come from authors such as goopeculiar and dbskgirl4ever. I also notice that a LOT of stories get featured based on their plot and not how they are written.  So many stories and author's are over looked because of this. I believe that one of the most beautiful written stories, one that I believe is forgotten since it hasn't been updated well in over 6 months, that I have ever read is a jongkey story. Sarangeun's Unexpected Moments is so beautifully written, it almost seems real. The way the author portrayed Key and Jonghyun was pure perfection. It's exactly how I imagined the discovery of the Jongkey relationship and such.  I really hope to see more storied focused on the way it is written and not just the story~ .


I have also come to term with my main problem with my writing....FIRST PERSON DX I have come to terms with the fact that I can NOT write first person! Which is why I hate all of my fics -3- Every time I write third, not to toot my own horn -3-, I believe the story comes out better and the writing is better and there is just os much more depth from third person~ I have also discovered that paragraph form  RP is more fun! O: RPing form third person in big paragraphs still on facebook or MSN but yeah~ It's basically improving a story and it is super fun, more time consuming, but fun ^^


So~ What's up with all of you? What do you guys think about the things above? Do any of you RP on either KpopZzang, Rollipops, or Sixth Sense?


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I agree. The style of the writing is as important as the plot.