First try...

Yeah, I always wonder why they have a blog here... so I decided that I will here write shortly about my FF because I get some messages about them and yeah... I also write this down for me lol >D


Lips of an Angel [OS] - I'm thinking about part two... but I don't have THE idea were I can say I want to write it :D


I'm both - your umbrella and your rain - Okay I write down chapter 16...and I'm about to correct the german one and then I start to translate it into english.... But I have so many problems with chapter 17 because it's a bit boring and I don't know how I continue this chapter. But I know how it will end, I have some other chapter in my mind already and scence... but chapter 17 ruins everything >DDD


Airplanes in the night sky - Okay... I have write down the WHOLE storyline... scence, ideas but... these things will happend later and so I always sit there and fight with the first chapters. I know what should happend but... I don't know how to write it... its so hard to describe it in english atm xD


It's a J-Suga thing - I think there will be soon a 'It's a NamJin thing' because my lovely NamJinnie gives me soooo much ideas and inspirations and everything... ♥ and I don't want to put so many NamJin drabbles in the J-Suga ff one.... yeah xD


Paradise - Whoah the only story where everything went fine. I know what will happend in the next chapters and I also have the two last ones ready... but I will change them later a bit xD Yeah... I will update this story every second day I think :D


And all in one... tomorrow I will have my last exam for this year... ahh! And it's buisness english so I only have to write down a letter. And this is my last week school of the year and after my christmas holidays I will have my intership for three weeks... I think then I will have more time to write [I hope so 8DD].

So and school is the main reason why I haven't upload as much as I want the past two weeks... But this will change now! :D


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I also want next chapter of Lips of an angel but honestly it's better to remain it like this <33 it's one of my favourite namjin ff <3 thank you again for that
Waaaah! I am so happy to hear that I give you inspiration ** so if you start "namjin thing" I will be SOOOOO HHAAAAPPPPYYY! *0*
Luv you <333
I'll wait for all of your ff :3 they all are amazing