Of Author Notes and Ramblings #12

And once again, I am avoiding working on updates by making a blog post about... I have no idea. 

I'm not gonna lie, I haven't really been making an effort to work on "Addiction" lately, even though I should. I mean I keep complaining that I want to end the story already, but I never put as much effort as I should into getting it done. To be honest, I should have probably finished it by now, or at least be about five chapters away from it being done. Though, in my defense, I didn't exactly have a concrete plan as to how every single chapter would play out. I don't work like that. I just wait for ideas to come to me, and then work things out from there. I probably should start making pre-planning a habit, but it really just isn't me. Because I'm always so indecisive, I like things to have flexibility, so that I don't have to worry about making gigantic changes. 

Anyway, I'm just now starting to figure out all the minor/major details of "Addiction" that I had ignored for so long. Before, I wasn't all that sure of how I was going to make things work, but now I have a better picture of how things are going to play out. I had portrayed everyone to be a certain way, but I never really gave too much thought on how that was going to tie in altogether. Now that I somewhat know what I'm doing, I know how to make it so that... well, the story makes sense.  Though, I am a bit concerned about how I'm going to make the title relevant to the story. I kinda have a vague idea of what I can do, but I need to do a bit more research before I start implementing that... reason(?). I don't know. 

On a slightly related/unrelated side note, some of the China line members will most definitely be making a cameo in "Addiction." Kris will for sure be one of them; his role might become bigger over the remaining course of the story. I can't confirm any of the other members, considering that I'm trying not to focus too much on adding in side characters. In other news, there will be a... I guess I could consider it a side story. Anyway, yes, there will be a short side story after "Addiction." What will it be about? Well, I can't tell you that just yet. You'll have to wait and see. c: I'll give you a hint though, it was a inspired by the title of a Lunafly song (I've really been into them these days). 

Anyway, to wrap this up, I will say that you guys should probably expect an update for "Addiction" in January, or February. It really depends, because I've been working on some other stuff, and also I have to deal with real life. I know, real life is such a drag. Haha. So yeah, I appreciate those of you who took the time to read this, and I hope you have a good day/night. c: 


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