Somehow I Just Knew This Would Happen

Stay as ing far as you can from the jongkey tag on tumblr guys. has hit the fan over there. All these nutjob jongkey hardcore shippers are blathering about how Jonghyun's support of the LGBT community is because the ship is real.

This is why we can't have anything nice. Will the fandom ever be sane?

All jokes aside, this makes me really sad. As much as I would love jongkey to be real, it is BEYOND crossing the line to jump to conclusions and say "Oh he supports LGBT.....HE MUST BE GAY!"   No. That is not what that means. That simply means he is a decent human being who believes in equal human rights. The day he comes out and says, "Hello I'm Jonghyun and I'm gay" THAT IS WHEN IT MEANS HE IS GAY. For 's sake people!

Alright rant over. I have a term paper to finish.


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xoImACrazyxo #1
I AGREE WITH YOU 100% I can't stands nutjob Jongkey shippers >< He supports LGBT but until he says 'Im gay' I'm not jumping into conclustion ^-^ Glad I'm not the only one who feels this way~!!!
people are so ing stupid. this isn't even about shipping, there are bigger issues here.
You can support LGBT and not be gay: I'm straight but I support them. *sighs* Some shippers really are too delusional for my taste. Like you said Jonghyun just believes in equality and that's a very good thing.