Rule 1: Post the rules
Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones
Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post 
Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them
Tagged by: rollingbuffalos
1) How did you get into kpop?
One of my old friend's ringtone was a Girls' Generation song. 
2) Who are your top 5 bands? (In order)
. XD Yeah.... I'm not putting them in order. 
SNSD, Miss A, 2NE1, (f)x, DEMION.
3) Thoughts on plastic surgery in South Korea?
They can ruins their faces if they want to. Not my problem. 
4) What do you think about sasaeng fans? (Especially in the exo fandom -_-)
es be crazay.
5) Thoughts on exo's sudden popularity? Do you think they 'cheated' or have 'natural talent' (imo I'd go for the latter.)
I would love to pick the latter but at the same time, I'm pretty sure that alot of their fans just like them for their looks.  But don't get me wrong, they definitely have talent.
6) Do you prefer the old kpop (SHINee's Replay/SNSD's Genie) or kpop nowadays? (Psy's Gentleman/SNSD's I Got A Boy)
7) What would you do if you saw your bias walking around in your local supermarket?
Take pictures. Freak out. Hug them. Cry. Hug them some more. Cry.   Go up to them and nicely ask for a photo with them.
8) What's your favourite feature about your bias? (E.g. Dancing, voice, looks etc)
Sense of humour.
9) If you could meet one person from your bias group, who would you meet? (Or if your bias is a soloist, what would you say to them
if you only had 10 seconds?)
10) What's your top 3 songs?
SNSD- Galaxy Supernova
Miss A- Goodbye baby
Wonder girls - Nobody
11) How long have you been listening to kpop?
Hmmm.... I started listening to k-pop 5/4 years ago but I sorta stopped for like a year because I moved to Secondary School.
DONEEEE! Time to tag some es.



I was meant to tag 11 people  but I'm gonna be lazy. XD




1) Favourite groups.

2) Favourite soloist.

3) Favourite idol turned actor.

4) 5 favourite songs. (in order)

5) First group.

6) Favourite company.

7) Favourite English version of a song.

8) Favourite viarity show.

9) Favourite M/V.

10) Favourite piece of merch that you own.



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rollingbuffalos #1
Awesomeness~ Thanks for answering >.< I'll do the tag later, im lazy rn...