Holy Poly! There are a lot of users here O___O

I remember joining, and there wasn't that much. But now. There are a lot of stories updating ALL the time. Before, I could see the stories on the front page, then I could surf the page for a while, then go back to the front page, and the story on the top, would still be on the front page, just further down. Now, I push f5 after five seconds, the story on top is gone forever.

We are more than 86000 members now (forever happy having less than five digits in my url. I wouldn't mind having less, but yet, I was kinda late)

But I think it's fun seeing the new members come:D


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Iheartlife #1
you should check out the who's online thingy...it's WAY MORE!
I realized there was a ridiculous amount when I noticed there were 71,000 plus stories 0.o