슈퍼 콤보 Super Combo Application form

Aff Name: lovesj

Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/52396

Birth Name: Samuel Sarang Kwon

Stage name (s): Sammie

D.O.B: December 08, 1988

Birthplace: Ontario, Canada

Age: 22 turning 23

Status: 'Single’

Ethnicity: Half Korean, Half Canadian

Language Spoken: English, Korean and a little bit of Chinese and French

Height:164 cm

Weight: 47 kgs

Blood type: O+



Ulzzang/Model's Name: Kwon Su Jeong

Personality: “Hopeless Romantic, Pretty and Nice” is the best way to call her

A nice and kind girl that sometimes people took advantage of. She’s a patient girl but when she reaches her limit she would explode. She likes skinship that sometimes guys and other people interpret it in a wrong way. She maybe stubborn at times, but will obey even if she doesn’t want to do it. A submissive type of person to those who are older/dominant to her/whom she respect/whom she loved. She’s understanding, thoughtful, and sweet to those people who are close/important to her (family, friends etc.), she’s caring, loving and affectionate person. She’s not very vocal type because she believes in ‘action speaks louder than words’, but if you force her to say it, she’ll say what she truly feels about you. She’s a protective type of person and would do everything to protect the most important/loved/cherished people in her heart. She would put others first before herself. She always gives her warm smile to everyone. She loves to laugh and she has a happy disposition even if there are loads of problems in her way, she would deal them happily even if other people thinks that she’s crazy, she enjoys everything in life. She’s kinda funny in a subtle way. She doesn’t hold grudges to people except those who hurt her and to those people who she cared/loved/cherished the most, she can forgive you but she can’t forget what you did, but she would never hurt you even if you hurt her it is because she do believe in Karma. She’s a low profile person, she appreciates everything even the smallest, simplest things that you gave/ do to her, she doesn’t care if you can give her a non signature bags, clothes, shoes, you invited her in a street food stalls or in a fast food chain for a date and stuff in other words ‘it’s the thought that counts’ all that matters to her your effort. She’s a quiet and shy type of person that people thinks that she’s a snob, but she’s actually a very friendly and approachable person. She likes to keep things to herself and let her deal with it, but if she couldn’t take it anymore, she’ll just cry and seek help with her friends and family. She’s a hopeless romantic type of person. She’s very awkward when it comes to conversations with strangers because she doesn’t know how to start, but when you get to know her she’s a very talkative, mature and sensible person to talk to. She’s a shoulder to cry on and can give you good advice, but ironically she can’t apply her advices to herself. She can’t lie ‘cause she’s very easy to read.


Sam was born in Seoul, South Korea but grew up in Ontario, Canada. Sam's came from a wealthy family on both sides. Her parents decided to migrate to Canads to avoid Kwon Ji Woo, who is the most powerful and wealthy in Korea and in Asia. Her grandfather thinks that her mother's not good enough for her father so they decided to migrate.

Sam's the childhood friend/crush of Henry Lau of Super Junior M. When Sam's parents died in a car accident 10 years ago, Henry's parents decided to adopt her instead because she doesn't have any family members living in Canada, they treated her like a true family member and showered her with love for her to forget her pain in losing her parents at the tender age of 11 years old.

Sam made a desicion to go back to Korea and live there, Henry's really happy upon hearing that Sam's gonna stay there, it means that they'll be spending more time with each other, Henry gotten over her feelings to Sam and he becames an over protective brother to her. Her grandfather was looking for her for 20 years so that he can apologize to her, with the help of his good friend Lee Sooman who is the president of SMEnt.


I joined because Henry invited me to and I was discovered by Lee Sooman while i was singing and dancing along with Henry while he was practicing.

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea


  • Blue, Red and Black
  • Cars
  • Ice cream, fries and cheese burger’s
  • Babies
  • Funny people
  • Her I Pod, I phone and laptop (ok so she loves her technology, who doesn’t?)
  • Cooking
  • Dancing
  • Sleeping (she could just about sleep anywhere)
  • Her bed
  • Mickey Mouse
  • Doraemon


  • People with loud annoying voices
  • People who are disrespectful and have a bad attitude
  • Dark places (she hates being left alone in the dark)
  • People who are rude
  • People who talk about others especially her friends and family (she may hurt you just a bit if she ever finds out you where talking bad about her loved ones)
  • Coffee (she hates the taste)
  • Kimchi (She hates the taste and refuses to eat it)
  • Soccer


-reading books


-surfing the internet

-race car driving


-Likes to bites her lip when thinking

-likes to bite her nails when nervous

-likes to hum a random song whenever she’s cooking


  • Dancing (she is amazing)
  • Singing (her voice is pure power)
  • Rapping (but most people don’t know about this talent, she is the best at freestyle rapping)
  • Piano and Violin (she has been learning for 10 years)
  • Variety show queen (when in front of a camera she is funny, witty and confident, not that she’s not like that all the time lol)
  • Taekwondo
  • Cooking



DECEASED (they died in a car accident 10 years ago)

Kwon Ji Woo, 75 years old, he’s the grandfather of Samuel, he’s the most powerful/wealthy person in Korea and in Asia. He’s looking for Sam for almost 20 years with the help of his good friend Lee Sooman.

Adopted Parents:

Anthony Lau, 55 yrs old, adopted father of Samuel, he's a business tycoon in Canada, quiet type of person, but a cool dad, protective and a God-fearing man

Josephine Lau, 49 years old, Adoptive mother of Samuel, she's a plain housewife, a very warm hearted woman, who would do anything to protect her children

Adopted Siblings:

Kendrick Lau, 30 years old, adopted brother of Sam, He's a doctor, and he’s a very kind hearted person, a shoulder to cry on

Anna Lau, 13 years old, adopted sister of Samuel, a high school student, a very jolly person and nice girl

Henry Lau, 21 years old, the adopted brother of Samuel, he's a Super Junior M member, a very close friend of Sam, a very protective brother and a very reliable brother to Sam, he used to have a crush on Sam.


-Micky YooChun (who is secretly in love with Sam) of DBSK/JYJ

-Amber and Victoria of f(x)

-Donghae and Kyuhyun of Super Junior

Partner: Park Jung Soo

Position: Lead dancer, sub vocalist / Vocalist, sub rapper

Rival(s): Taeyeon, she thinks that she and Teukie is a couple when in fact Teukie thinks of her as her sister, and she’s insecure with Sam.. XP (note: I love SNSD okay?  Just want to add ‘fun’)

Previous Relationship(s):  No Boyfriend Since Birth, in short? NBSB.


hello there!!

I am using Samuel in my fics you can check it out, I also used Kwon Su Jeong as Sam (I hope that you can stick with Kwon Su Jeong) .. I hope that you don't mind if I picked Leeteuk as a partner, I am currently writing their love story (My First and How i Fell in Love with Super Junior!)

I hope that you'll choose me as the one of the girls, ^^

I hope that you'll like my application.. ^^

thank you for the opportunity! Good luck in making the story!! HWAITING!!


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