I must be crazy... Graphic Contest?

First things first: I at graphics. Heck, I'm not even close to being decent about it.

But one day, I was scrolling around fics and tags when I tripped down the graphic contest road. I checked it out and they were AWESOME. Like,out of this world great.

Now, I was thinking of opening a graphic contest but I think people will be like: "You don't even know how to make one, how can you judge?" Which is 100% true but I also want to see people try and be good at graphics and I want to see their works... So to cut things short...

I'm planning to open a graphic contest and I need a co-author. A person with knowledge about graphics because when I see graphics, all I see is pretty pictures mixed with a lot of time in editing.  

Also, this maybe the most shameless thing ever but for those users who doesn't need their kp...


Give it to me~

Yeah...that's so shameless of me. 


Thank you for reading this TT^TT




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Try asking -wickedjackal, natsukim, danhobak, lynnryan, -yatluvg, royalhyde or inspiritkpop.. those are some awesome graphic designers that i really look up.. don't ask me though, i'm not as good as them but i'm still improving
I'll keep my eye out for someone who may be a good co-author for you=).