Holiday is coming!


yeayyy tomorrow is the last day of exam *sobs i hope my score will turn out good, although i'm not sure holiday is coming but i dont have any idea how i should spend it, any suggestion??^-^ thanks for God for everything he gave:) i hope everyone will stay healthy and may the odds be ever in our favor♥ dont forget to watch miracles in december live guys! CAUSE LUHAN IS SO FREAKIN HAWTT WITH THAT DARK BLACK HAIR!!!!! AND OFCOURSE MY BABY BAEK'S VOICE IS JUST AWESOME *-*



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Haaaah !! How's your examination so far? You know, you're starting your holiday and I only have several days to finish it XD. Yeah, my baby Luhan is so~ hot~ *fanning myself*
Good luck with your score , you should spend the holidays in bed , dont get out of the bed