My Kris-Min pairing is sailing~





What? I ship them so damn HAAAAAAAAAAARD!! And just look at their clothes! THEY ARE WEARING THE SAME DESIGN! ALFKSJDGLKJSL!!

They look so cute!! AFKLSJDGKL!! (but I still ship Kris with Tao and Xiumin with Chen. But whatev. They can still have an affair behind their backs anyway. *shrugs*)

feels everywhere. Urgh. 




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KrisMin is my OTP so I'm definitely happy seeing this~ It's sad that we won't be seeing KrisMin in action in the future, but I would still definitely write a fic about this pairing~
Let's not forget about the gift where Kris back hugs Min ^^ Kris had a smile on his face. Lol :3