Spanish songs I like #13 (IF OnTae weren't together...)

Reik - Yo Quisiera (I would rather)

-Third song I've posted of Reik! wow :P This was their first song, that's why the vid is weird xD it was cheap xD

People also call this song "The Friendzone Anthem" LOL.

So, yeah xD Whenever I hear a song that is not kpop, I imagine a little story behind it, and 99% is my favorite couple in the world OnTae lol In any situation the song implies kkk

I do it alot. Alot alot. lol

So this one is about a guy, who is in love with his friend, but can't confess because he is afraid, you know, since they are friends. kkk.

This would be a HELLISH alternate universe, where Taemin ISN'T with Onew, and goes out with other guys all he time. And this song comes from Onew~

Spanish  -  ENGLISH

Soy tu mejor amigo  -  I'm your best friend
Tu pañuelo de lágrimas  -  Your tissue for tears
De amores perdidos...   -  Because of lost lovers...

Te recargas en mi hombro  -  You lean on my shoulder
Tu llanto no cesa  -  Your crying doesn't stop
Yo sólo te acaricio...  -  I just caress you...

Y me dices porque la vida es tan cruel con tus sentimientos  -  And you tell me why life if so cruel with your feelings
Yo solo te abrazo, y te consuelo  -  I just hug you, and console you

Me pides mil consejos para protegerte  -  You ask me for a thousand advices to protect yourself
De tu próximo encuentro, sabes que te cuido  -  From your next encounter, you know I'll protect you

Lo que no sabes es que...  -  What you don't know is

Yo quisiera ser ése por quien tu te desvelas y te desesperas  -  I would rather be the one you lose sleep for, and become desperate for
Yo quisiera ser tu llanto... ése que viene de tus sentimientos  -  I would rather be your tears.. those that comes from your feelings
Yo quisiera ser ése por quien tu despertaras ilusionada  -  I would rather be the one that makes you wake up inspired
Yo quisiera que vivieras de mí siempre enamorada  -  I would rather be the one you live forever in love with

Tú te me quedas viendo  -  You stare at me
Y me preguntas  -  And you ask me
Si algo me está pasando...  -  If anything is wrong

Y yo no sé qué hacer  -  And I don't know what to do
Si tu supieras que... me estoy muriendo  -  If you only knew... that I'm dying
Quisiera decirte... lo que yo siento  -  I'd like to tel you.. what I feel

Pero tengo miedo de que me rechazes  -  But i'm afraid that you might reject me
Y que sólo en mi mente vivas, para siempre  -  and that only in my mind, you'll live forever

Por eso...  -  That's why

Yo quisiera ser ése por quien tu te desvelas y te desesperas  -  I would rather be the one you lose sleep for, and become desperate for
Yo quisiera ser tu llanto... ése que viene de tus sentimientos  -  I would rather be your tears.. those that comes from your feelings
Yo quisiera ser ése por quien tu despertaras ilusionada  -  I would rather be the one that makes you wake up inspired
Yo quisiera que vivieras de mí siempre enamorada  -  I would rather be the one you live forever in love with

Yo quisiera ser ése por quien tu te desvelas y te desesperas  -  I would rather be the one you lose sleep for, and become desperate for
Yo quisiera ser tu llanto... ése que viene de tus sentimientos  -  I would rather be your tears.. those that comes from your feelings
Yo quisiera ser ése por quien tu despertaras ilusionada  -  I would rather be the one that makes you wake up inspired
Yo quisiera que vivieras de mí siempre enamorada  -  I would rather be the one you live forever in love with



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that would be so sad if onew was singing this to Tae. it would be such a painful sad fic to read and i'd be screaming at the fic for onew to just tell Taemin how he feels.
and then I'd be like Tae you better like Onew or else imma gonna cry forever.