❆ — miracles in december ; son hanbyul

miracles in december; falling











name: son hanbyul
nickname: byul; her preferred nickname by most people

birthdate + age: 24 november 1990 + 23
ual orientation: heteroual

birthplace + hometown: jeju-do, south korea + seoul, south korea
ethnicity: korean
languages: korean (native), english (semi fluent)

faceclaim: kim soo yeon
back-up face claim: park cha hun

style: choi sooyoung of girls' generation & hyeri of girl's day

height: 168 cm
weight: 51 kg
she has pretty long brownish hair. her eyes are dark brown colored and she has fair skin.














hanbyul is a cheerful, loud and talkative girl. she likes to wander around, hanging out and talk to new people at once. she's so bright until people likes to be around her because of the mood she made when she's around. hanbyul laughs a lot, and she enjoyed it even more when people around her laugh with her. hanbyul is so daring and likes to try new thing, adventuring and trying some thrilling activities are her favorites. hanbyul known for her strong minded side and happy face. she's so loud until people recognize her easily through her voice. she also has a very high self confidence level. being the only daughter in her family makes her self confidence increased by hundreds percent. despite the bright impression people have for her, not many people know that hanbyul is so determined and totally a hardworker. she spent hours in front of her computer if she's really focused and she hates it when people disturb her during her working time. the another side of her is that she's the right person people will talk with if they need someone to listen to their problems. probably she's not really an expert to give them some advice, but she's still a good listener and very trustworthy.

moving to her flaws, hanbyul sometimes counted as an arrogant lady because of her confidence level. people annoyed easily because of this reason. more over, hanbyul is quite moody and very strict about something she think should be this and that way. she hates untidiness and lazy people because hanbyul treasured time so much. forgot about her adult ages, hanbyul can be very spoilt and childsih. she's so clingy and she whine a lot. i mean really, a lot.



son hanbyul was born on late november 1990, at jeju-do, south korea, in a family who loves her so much. she is the first daughter, and years later, her twin brother was born. little hanbyul basically spent her childhood only with her brothers and their maid due to her parents jobs. her father sometimes too busy with his job at the college, and her mother was so busy managing their family cookies shop. hanbyul never really bothered to think about her parents' business, actually, because somehow she understand her parents' jobs and she thinks the presence of her brothers is enough for her and her parents never really left them because they still managed to have some quality time to be with their children at holiday.

at the age of 8, hanbyul and her family moved to seoul due to her father's job. their shop moved as well, because hanbyul's mother wont have anything to do if they don't bring their shop with them. hanbyul enrolled to a girl only school for her junior high periods, but then she enrolled to a regular school to spent her high school time. there, for the first time, hanbyul met joonmyun. their relationship last even until hanbyul attend college and chase her dream to become a writer.

hanbyul and joonmyun dated for almost 4 years, since they're on their senior grade. hanbyul loved him so much until it's time she rent the apartment unit beside joonmyun's room. when joonmyun left him without any good explanation, hanbyul broke down and she couldn't find the reason to stand up again. she's mad, she's sad and she hate joonmyun so much until she still can not forget him even until now. it's changed a little when minhyuk came to her life. he brighten her days even just a little and it's make her forget about her past even just for a while.


—cookies; the sweet ones because it's delicious
—snowflakes; too beautiful to describe
puppies; they are cute and hugable
—amusement park; don't care how old you are, it's still fun to visit the place
—books; the best thing to refresh her mind
—children; adorable and very loveable

—hot weather; she can not stand it
—untidy things and dirt; it's annoys her a lot
shrimps; she is allergic
—alcohol; it's make her face goes red
darkness; she has fear towards darkness
—bugs; just no

—spacing out when she's tired
—chewing on her bottom lip whenever she is anxious
hug something to help her sleep
—blinking too fast when she's nervous; usually when she's lying

—travelling; to new places, to another city or maybe another country
—reading; she enjoyes reading some news or fiction books
; she likes home made foods
—writing; basically it's her job

—spiders and bugs
—clowns; even though she likes to go to amusement park, she still scared of their appearance

she has two pupppies named kkaman  and jjangmyun

her blood type is O
—she released four novels so far
—she attended seoul national university, majoring english literature
—she's the assistant scriptwriter of a few well known korean dramas
—her favorite dishes are bulgogi and fried potatoes

—her favorite colors are white and soft pnk
—she likes to collecting many brands of make up equiptments
—she believes in santa even though she's an adult now
—she enjoys skinships with people a lot


present day:

hanbyul enjoys her days working as a novelist, an assistant for a scriptwriter, a private tutor and sometimes help her mother at their cookies shop. she'squite busy at weekdays, and even sometimes she's not free at weekends because she has her deadline waiting for her. at her free time, hanbyul love to spent her day hanging out somewhere with people she close with or maybe just stay at home playing with her twin brothers and her pets.




—father; son donghyuk - 48 - college professor - quiet, warm hearted, loving, serious, strict with rules - they talks random things when they met up
mother; jang soolin - 49 - housewife - sweet, spontaous, gentle, forgetful, kind - hanbyul likes to be around her mother because she adores her so much
—younger brother; son jaemin - 19 - college student - generous, playful, smart, protective, moody - they bickers a lot but hanbyul loves him very much
—younger brother; son jaehyun - 19 - college student - quiet, wise, gentle, proective, moody - hanbyul likes to so he will talk more than usual

best friend:

—childhood friend; choi danji - 20 - college student - kind, trustworthy, strong-minded, lazy, spoilt at times - they were neighbor when hanbyul still residing in Busan - they still contacted each other frequently, and likes to hanging out together since both of them residing in Seoul now


—editor; yoo chaeyoung - 25 - editor - strict, perfectionist, friendly, stubborn, responsible - she is hanbyul's eternal editor since 2011 - they often hanging out together and always so loud around each other
—student; shim minah - 18 - highschool student - playful, talkative, rebellious, spoilt, loyal - she's hanbyul's student when hanbyul become a private english tutor - despite the fact that hanbyul is her teacher, minah treat hanbyul just like her friend. they got along well and likes to hanging out together



—eternal rival; park jiwon - 24 - novelist - annoying, loud, caring, arrogant, ambitious - they work at the same field and both of them currently competiting on getting the best novelist title - they are not hating at each other that much, hanbyul and jiwon just like to think the latter as a rival because they acknowledge the writing talent of each other






nickname: joonmyun; his preferred nickname by most people

age: 24

ual orientation: heteroual


probably, kim joonmyun is the only perfect human alive because he is like the fallen angel. he is handsome, kind, caring, hardworking and very polite. he treat the other people well, and act like a gentleman in front of girls. joonmyun cares about people around him so much, but unbelieveably doesn't care about himself. his selfless-ness make people around him worry and quite annoyed.

beside her perfection, not many people know that joonmyun is a timid, coward and sensitive guy. joonmyun freak out during horror movies, cry over sad ending dramas, and touched easily. his imperfection was the one attract hanbyul.


kim joonmyun came from a wealthy and educational family. his father is a professor (hanbyul's father's best friend and co-worker), while her mother was a teacher. joonmyun attended the same high school with hanbyul and after he graduated with excellent grades, he continued his study at seoul national university, college of medicine.

after 3 years of studying, joonmyun's father forced him to move abroad. the only things hanbyul didn't know is that the reason joonmyun went abroad that his father forced her to marry one of his friend's daughter. and the reason why he is moving back to seoul after such a year and half is because the girl he should marry with knew that joonmyun doesn't love her.

—allergic to cold; can't stay too long in cold weather

—he has a puppy named byul
—likes to pile up his used clothes on the floor
—he's afraid of horror stuffs
—his favorite drink is americano coffee
—is the youngest child in his family
—can speak fluently in korean, english and conversational chinese

relationship status: ex-boyfriend

how you met:

they were schoolmate during high school, they attend the same class since junior year, and became closer as the time flew. during their senior year, joonmyun asked her out, and she agreed quickly.


they went out for almost 4 years, and during that time, they spent most of their days together. they likes to hanging out somewhere or maybe just cuddling all day in either joonmyun's apartment or hanbyul's.

when joonmyun back to hanbyul's life after a year and half went abroad, hanbyul found out that their interaction becomes odd and unnatural. they talk awkwardly and somehow they treat each other too polite. deep inside, either joonmyun and hanbyul missed each other so bad, despite the fact that hanbyul is mad at him and hurt so much because he left him. still, joonmyun try to approach her first because he doesn't want to lose her anymore.





nickname: minhyuk; his birthname

age: 22

ual orientation: heteroual


kang minhyuk is a calm, cool yet very caring and sweet guy. he rarely talk about useless thing, and prefer to show what he feels through his body language. minhyuk is also a strong minded guy with a lot of stubborness. he acts more openly in front of people he close with, but then he's more possesive about them. minhyuk has problems with sharing, he's quite bad in it.

despite the fact that he is a possesive guy, minhyuk is a true gentleman. he respect his girl, and treasure her so much. minhyuk did everything for her sincerely once he's totally into her.


kang minhyuk was born in busan, and grew up there until he's around 14 years. after that, he moved to seoul and continued his school there. he's attending seoul national university too, majoring music and currently working as a composer and lyricist at such a young age.


—he plays a few instruments, such as piano, guitar and drum
—his favorite pet is kittens
—he is a left handed person
—he's shy when he does skinship even it's just holding hand

—his favorite dish is patbingsu
—he hates cold weather
—he has two older sisters, and a little brother

relationship status: dating

how you met:

knew him as her junior in college, hanbyul and minhyuk got closer easily after their college friend reunited in their college's event, a year after joonmyun left her. they both sat on the same table and then have many conversation between them. it's continued until their conversation's reached hanbyul's boyfriend topic.


at first, minhyuk likes to take care of hanbyul really well because he's totally fell for her. but then he became more possesive when he knew that hanbyul hasn't get over her ex boyfriend. they bickers a lot, and sometimes it's until minhyuk became really mad and left her apartment without offer a 'see you' things with her.

at the other side, minhyuk treasured and respect his girlfriend so much. he just want the best for her and want her to be happy.







the ending: the bittersweet one. hanbyul go back to joonmyun, but she broke minhyuk's heart. well, minhyuk said that he's okay and he respect hanbyul's decision even though he's so broken. minhyuk and hanbyul stay as bestfriend after that.

scene suggestions/requests:

—after they got closer again, hanbyul come to joonmyun's apartment because joonmyun offers a dinner to her. there, hanbyul scolds joonmyun instead because he still pilling up his clothes on the floor
—hanbyul and minhyuk having a fight and at the end, minhyuk kiss her
—hanbyul yells to joonmyun because he ask hanbyul to express her self in front of him. she cries after that



thanks for reading it o u o i hope you like her so far, and i hope you guys will choose my character o u o<3
good luck for this story! i'm absolutely fell for 'falling' plotline ; u ; please let me know if i should fix something as soon as possible o u o
sorry for grammatical errors!!!! o n o;;





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