The Best Advice (YB Edition) n_n

Okay so I've been here for almost two hours talking with a friend about some things. :P

And you guys know about my problem right?

Well, this is an excerpt from her (you know who you are) message to me that made me smile today. XD

So, before going to school, I'mma post this! :D

The first words are blablabla (not intended for  the others to read because it's only for me). :P

And it comes up to this...


"...I know I have no room to interfere, but I know what it's like to wait for someone...
And it hurts...
But it will continue to unless you forget.
What if she come back?
Trust is like paper.
Once you crumple it up, it will never go back to its original state.

Are you willing to trust her and believe she will be faithful this time?
You've said this has happened more then once.
You said its over...but do you really believe that?
YB deserves to be happy...
But Sophie is bringing him so much pain...
I don't believe love is like this.
The person you love should bring you smiles, not tears.
I'm sorry for saying all this, but it's only because I worry.
I hope that you don't make the same mistake YB."


Cause I was like asking if Sophie decides to come back, what will I do?

And this is what I read.

I'm enlightened again. :P


Thanks for your advice!! :D




YB (I am Donghae and you are my adviser, Eunhyuk)



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well of course! :)
there's nothing there that cannot be rebutted.
all what you said was true and it has great impact on me.
thank you very much :)
i know. love isn't just experienced for you to give advices.
everyone knows about love, we just don't know how to apply it when WE are the one who's having a love problem.
right? :D
people are good in giving advices but when it comes to them, people seemed like they don't know everything and are vulnerable. XD
haha thanks hyukkie :))


haha hello para! :DD
thank you! XD
well, maybe i'll reject a good and humane way :P
i still want to maintain a good image to her and of course to everyone :D

Hi donghae!!!!*blushes* hehehehehe stay strong YB!!! if she come bac to you, just reject her.... coz i dun want you to get hurt again....i am saying to reject coz i have ever experince it very painfull....hehehehehe!!!!!HWAITING~~~
I don't know what to say....
I'm honestly very touched :)
But the question is:
Will you follow my advice YB?
I truly wish that you will.
I will always support what decision you make, but I can only pray that you make the right one:)
Hehe, I feel so wise now~ XD
I don't understand love yet, but this is how I truly feel from the very bottom of my heart.
I hope that you can move on YB.
It's hard, but I KNOW you can do it.
Stay strong!
Fighting~ (^-^)/


Eunhyuk AKA Your advisor