Why do I even

I haven't done one of these in forever and a half, so I decided to steal one from kpopaddictz and do it. This is dedicated to you two. ♥


What is your middle name?

...this is invasive. Leigh. (This will be somewhat entertaining to some of you.)

Are you wearing makeup?

Nope. I don't, unless it's lip gloss or chapstick or something.

What colour is your toothbrush?

Uhhh...blue and white, I believe. 

Approximately how many posters are hung up in your room?

Too many. Most of them are tiny, though. The majority are like paper-sized posters of different animal eyes. Don't judge. ;D

What does your hair product smell like?

Like...shampoo? I dunno, Pantene? What does Pantene smell like? Clean? 

Where would rather be right now?

w/ Lee Jong Suk because I hate everything

What is the temperature outside?

Let me check the weather...about 35 F. 

Have you ever dyed your hair? If so what colour?

Lolol, nope. I'm actually pretty content with my hair color, so I probably never will. c:

What is the funniest word you know?

The funniest one that comes to mind is 'pantaloons'. 

Name your favourite band starting with the letter 'M'

K-Pop? MBLAQ. :> Otherwise, there are a lot. My Chemical Romance (don't hate), Muse, Mylène Farmer...Mozart L'Opéra Rock...

What is your favourite pick up line? And has anyone ever used it on you?

How does one have a "favourite pick-up line"? I guess the one about the fish ("I caught a fish! It was thiiiiiis *puts arm around person's shoulder* big.") And nope. 8D

Describe your first icon using only verbs

My first...icon? Like an icon for a website? This is a vague question. I'll choose the one from my scenario blog, which is....seducing?

What is the most expensive thing you have ever bought with your own money?

I don't buy much with my own money...recently, the new VIXX album. ;o;

State your favourite letter of the alphabet

I don't have a favourite. They're all lovely. But my favourite to write in cursive is the lowercase "f". 

What is your favourite accent?

Probably British of some sort. :>

How did you celebrate the new year?

Chinese or American? Chinese, we usually go to parties with other families. American? We crowd around my dad's computer to watch the Apple drop, and then just go to bed. Or maybe just go to bed without watching anything.

What do you call a brown fizzy drink that usually comes in a can?

Soda. That's too generic of a question.

Do you like fish?

To eat, yes. To raise, also yes.

What is your most used tag?

On Tumblr? Ummm...."dumb", I guess. Or any variation of "scenario" for our scenario blog. XD

Would you rather ask someone out or be asked out?

Be asked out~ I may be pretty aggressive sometimes, but that's not something that I'm willing to take the initiative on. ;u;

What is your favourite Olympic sport to watch?

I've always liked gymnastics and swimming the most, I think.

Have you ever dumped anyone?


What do you want to be when you grow up?

A diplomat or a zoologist. I also really want to travel, so something that lets me do that. ♥

Have you ever been to the United States? If so, where?

HAHA YES I'VE BEEN. I am situated in it. I am there almost every day.

What instrument have you always wanted to play?

The drums. 

Describe your dream partner's eye colour

Ehhh, I'm not too picky? Anything not brown is cute, but brown is also cute. 

What do you order at diners?

Whatever sounds appealing?

Coffee or espressos?

Anything with enough sugar.

What is the most annoying song on the radio at the moment?

Probably "Blurred Lines". Also Robin Thicke is a bit (read: very) creepy.

How many contacts do you have on your phone?

My phone doesn't tell me, but a bunch. I don't use most of them, though.

What type of music player do you own?

An iPod Touch. I currently don't have one, but I'll have a new one for Christmas.

Describe your favourite painting

AHHH there are too many to chose from. ;n; I really love art, so there are a lot that I feel very strongly about. I guess I'll say "The Garden of Earthly Delights" by Bosch. It's a triptych, though, so I don't know if you'd consider that a painting... Anyways, it has three panels (TRI-ptych. You see?), and each of them has a story or a moral. It's a very surreal piece, interesting that it was painted so long ago. Anyways, it features a lot of weird and bizarre creations, like people inside fruits and people having . Fun times! You should look it up.

What was the best present you have ever received?

Probably my iPod Touch, to be honest. /shot It sounds really superficial, but it helped me to survive through all these years. It was old, but trustworthy, and is getting an upgrade!

Spring or Fall? Why?

Fall. There's something about that fall weather, and the crispness in the air...And plus, I like winter. c:

What was the last text you received? Who was it from?

My friend Maddie saying "Ok". How boooring.

Would you ever paint your room pink?

HAHA MINE ALREADY IS. It's a super light shade of pink, though, and you can't really tell unless you squint. 

What colour is your underwear?

Yellow and silver!

Favourite perfume scent?

Probably something floral or fruity? I don't know perfume very well.

What celebrity do you think needs to drop off a cliff?

Aww, none of them! Unless one of them is a or a serial killer or a terrible human being. Then they can.

Do blue eyes turn you on?

Yes. Blue eyes are lovely. ♥

What meat do you prefer in a sandwich?

I like honey ham or honey turkey.

Would you ever wear a sweater to school?

I wear them to school a lot?

What is the name of your current ringtone?


Glasses or contacts?

I wear night contacts. HAHA I CHEATED.

What shoes do you normally wear to school?

Tennis shoes, but sometimes just whatever is comfortable/matches my outfit.

Where is your nearest television?

In my basement.

What is your favourite vegetable?

I like carrots, peas, corn, celery, lettuce, and many other kinds. I just like vegetables. Most of them. Bell peppers can go die.

When was the last time you drank milk?

This afternoon. Crappy chocolate milk from school.

What was your lowest grade in school?

In high school, like...an 83, officially? Physics. It was the worst.

Are you using Google chrome?



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"With Lee Jong Suk because I hate everything" aka my favorite most accurate line of your life xD

