❆ — miracles in december ; Lee Hyunjoo.

miracles in december; dreamlover.







Lee Hyunjoo  //  brokenwings1232 + Bella // 5





name: Lee Hyunjoo
>>Hyun; everyone calls her this because it is shorter than Hyunjoo
>>Joo; her friends call her this because it is cute and it annoys her
birthdate + age: 26/06/1994 + 19
ual orientation: straight

birthplace + hometown: Seoul, Korea + Seoul, Korea
ethnicity: Korean
>>Korean; fluent

faceclaim: Lee Sooyeon
links: gallery
back-up face claim: Gam Dain

style: Suzy Bae
>>height; 165 cm
>>weight; 50 kg
>>hair color; dark maroon
>>piercings; ears
>>eye color; dark brown












personality: Hyunjoo is a girl who moves to the beat of her own drum who is very independent. She doesn't care what other people think of her and is very free-spirited. Stubborn and hot-headed, many people think of her as rude and inconsiderate. Only her true thoughts are said. She always says what she really thinks and doesn't sugarcoat anything. Her words are usually snappy and sassy, which is loved by all her friends. Hyunjoo is always the life of the party, the one who does all her dares and never turns one dare. She loves to party day and night. When you walk into a party, there is usually a huge crowd around her. Although sometimes she can be a bad word, many people still love her for her caring attitude. 

Behind her mean side is her omma-like personality. She is very over protective of her friends and loved ones and hates to see them hurt. She enjoys helping out her friends problems and is always butting into their problems,. When someone gets hurt, she's the first to rush towards them. Even though she seems like someone who likes everybody, in her mind she's constantly cursing them out. In reality, she's very judgmental and only finds flaws in people. All of her close friends are all older than her because she dislikes people who are younger than her especially children,Her personality is very childish. She hates being told 'no' and when people go against her just like a child. 

background: Hyunjoo was born into a decent family, being the only child. Her family isn't rich, but they have enough money buy things that she wants. Ever since she was little, she did terrible in school. She had no patience for school whatsoever and hated the teachers because they always told her what to do. Most of her time was spend home alone since her parents were always at work, so she was always very lonely and attention seeking. As she grew, her temper grew worse and she got made even more often so her parents signed her up for fencing when she was fourteen so she could vent out her anger. 

>>coffee; coffee is apart of her daily routine, she always has to drink a cup in the morning
>>black; black is her favorite color and she is pretty much obsessed with it
>>nail polish; being the girly girl she is, she loves to get her nails done
>>cute things; pencil pouches, stuffed animals, and even pillows that are cute always excite her
>>cold weather; she loves the cold because she can she her breath
>>ducks; they are her favorite type of animal
>>turtles; they are her second favorite type of animal
>>soup; she could drink soup all day long, any type
>>music; she listens to it all the time

>>bright lights; she always feels over pressured when the lights are too bright
>>overcrowded areas; she doesn't like the feeling over people brushing past her
>>bitter foods; she never, ever eats them
>>boredom; she always has to be doing something
>>reading; too many words hurt her eyes
>>stress; she can't do anything under stress


>>biting her finger
>> her lips
>>leaning towards the right
>>talking louder and louder
>>fixing her hair

>>fencing; it's her stress reliever
>>photography; she feels the need to capture memories
>>baking cupcakes; only cupcakes, no cakes
>>taking walks; she likes being outdoors
>>cleaning; she cleans all the time, while thinking, moving around, even eating

>>heights; she will break down when she's at high places without railings
>>bugs; especially spiders
>>sharp objects; knives, scissors, anything with a sharp point

>>she writes songs, but never finishes them
>>she's always looking for attractive guys when she's out
>>she hates cutting her hair
>>she owns a lot of jewelry
>>her closet consists of many dresses
>>she always listening to music no matter what she's doing
>>she got in trouble a lot at school

present day: Now Hyunjoo is about to graduate high school and she's currently working at a music shop that's down her street after school Monday, Wednesday, and Friday also the weekends. There, she organizes things and cleans around.



>>Kim Minsun - 51 - real estate agent - caring, over protective, somewhat annoying, childish, jokes around a lot - Hyunjoo was never close to her mother because her mother was rarely home, but she still loves her dearly. Her mom and her try having mommy-daughter days whenever they can.
>>Lee Minseok - 52 - real estate agent - stern, controlling, understanding, warm, gentle - Hyunjoo and her father are very distant because she feels like he never understand her although he does. She tries to avoid him most of the time and is usually angry at him, yet he still tries grabbing her attention.

best friend/s:
>>Kim Myungsoo - 21 - worker at music store - funny, sweet, awkward at first, sarcastic, charming - he worked at the music store before she did - Myungsoo is one of the only people who truly understand her and that she trusts. They always go out to eat together when they are on break.
>>Lee Sandeul - 19 - none - hard headed, a little mental, bubbly, loud, outgoing - they go to school together - Sandeul is one of the reasons Hyunjoo smiles so much. He's always jumping around and making her laugh.
>>Cha Jaekyung - 18 - waitress - social, loyal, wise, warm hearted, accepting - Jaekyung is Hyunjoo's best, best friends. They text or call each other everyday whenever they can. They are known as a package and go around everywhere together.

>>Bae Suji - 19 - none - sweet, naive, cheerful, straightforward, gullible - Suji is a very popular girl in school and was lab partners with Hyunjoo, making them friends. They talk in class, wave to each other in the hall, and sometimes eat lunch together.

>>Han Chongin - 19 - none - anti social, quiet, complex, 'nerdy', smart - Chongin and Hyunjoo are rivals because they are the two best fencers at their fencing center. They are always trying to beat each other - Because of Chongin's introverted personality, they don't talk much. The only time they really talk is when they fence. You could consider them friends.


Jung Jinyoung



>>Jinpuppy; Hyunjoo calls him this because he looks like a puppy when he pouts

age: 20

ual orientation: straight

personality: Jinyoung is the epitome of a nice guy. He's very charming with his sweet smile and polite personality. He is the caring guy every girl wishes to have for her own. He does well caring for his family, being the oldest child. He is a perfect gentleman who respects every ones' opinions and thoughts. He hates to watch people suffer and loves to take care of everybody. People of all ages fall for him. Although he is nearly perfect, he fails to understand the true intentions and thoughts of people. 

background: Jinyoung is the oldest of four children. He has always had the responsibility of taking care of his family. Ever since he was little, he was molded by his parents to be this perfect guy. His parents are always at work so he understands Hyunjoo. When he was in school, he had always been well known and loved. Now, he attends Seoul University.

>>he went to Seoul University with a half scholarship
>>he despises shopping
>>he actually likes to clean
>>he plays guitar and piano
>>he also writes music


relationship status: Hyunjoo is crushing on Jinyoung and they date in the future

how you meet/met: They met when Hyunjoo got in trouble at school and she had to volunteer at an orphanage he volunteers at.

interaction: The second Hyunjoo laid eyes on him, she fell for him. Jinyoung was always really nice to her ever since they met. He would take care of her just like he took care of the orphans. + Now that they've grown to know each other, Jinyoung isn't as stiff and jokes around with Hyunjoo a lot. They pull pranks on each other and often tease each other.






nickname(s): (optional)

age: (older/same age/younger than yours, but please don't make the gap too big)

ual orientation:

personality: (instructions similar to yours above.)

background: (instructions similar to yours above.)

trivia: (unlimited)

relationship status: (refer to plotline)

how you meet/met: (refer to plotline)

interaction: (when you guys just met + now. for the plotlines that involves past lovers, please state how you were when you were a couple.)







the ending: A happy ending please :) There isn't really anything specific. 

scene suggestions/requests: 
>>the orphan making fun of them calling them a couple
>>Jinyoung finishing a song Hyunjoo never finished

comments: I hope you like/choose my character! Good luck with the story, author-nims!




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