✣ FAME ✣ Izy ✣ Main Rapper Lead Vocalist



EsperanzaZawa| Ai | 9.794 / 10

MY LADY. . . .

Name: Kim Jung Hana

Other name: Adalia Ellen (English)

            Furukawa Kimichi (Japanese)

Nickname: Aiza(mama give me based on Japanese godness of Love 'Aizen' )

              (Now..Everyone that close with me ,called me Aiza)

Age: 17

Birthdate: (12/11/96) 

Birthplace: Ito Hospital,Harajuku

Hometown: Harajuku | Jeollam Gwangju

Etnicity: Japanese-Korean

Languages: Japanese (Fluent)

           Korean (Fluent)

           English (conversation skill)

           Mandarin (Not Really Influent)


Bloodtype: O positive


Face claim: Kim Shin Yeong

Gallery/Picture: Here

Back-up face claim: Park Soo Yeon

Gallery/Picture: Here

Height: 169 CM

Weight: 50 KG

Style: She is a girl that simple yet don't like heavy dress or extravaganza clothes.Mostly she will wearing short jean and sweater with hoodie covering her head.She adore vintage very much and wear vintage style while formal activities.

Dorm 1 | 2 | 3

Airport 1 | 2 | 3

Training 1 | 2 | 3

Casual 1 | 2 | 3

Formal 1 | 2 | 3

School 1

Others: has a litle mole on the right eyeliner.

        Has a small deep dimple on the right cheek

XOXO . . . .

Personality: A bad girl in angel suits.She Love do naughty things.A mischieves of fame but be loving by all the member of crystal.She love to teasing people around her.A moodmaker and troublemaker of fame.She love to be close to the member of fame as she felt the member of fame is also her family.She very dislike when people start asking her about her father or her childhood experience since its too painful to remember the dark past.She love her oppa very much as Kim Bum is the only one family member that she got in this world except her father...She will try and will do anything to make her oppa or someone her love and care be happy and smile.If she has problem,she will trying to solve it alone without anyone or member of fame because she hate seen the person that she love trouble because her.

[On stage] : She is Izy.The great fierce rapper that shine in her own way.Professional and give the best as she can on the stage.When she sing,the audince will shocked and thankful to god for giving a chance to them to hear such a angelic voice.She can bring a sad mood and tears to fans if she singing sad song.Happy and enjoyment to fans if she sing a joyfull song.

[on variety show] : She is mischieves as she is.She is Aiza.The girl that naughty                    and mischieves but can't controling her cuteness while doing                        that.She will be the true colour of herself without feelling                         embrasing.

[Her fans ] :She will greet warmly and give the best smile to the person that supporting her along this music industry.She accepted present and letter from fans.If fans asked to hugging and take a picture,she will do it sincerely.To her,her fans are also her family members too.

[Her seniour or upper position ] : She will greet politely as their are other than her.But if their are 'fake' ,She will treat them normally like their not her seniour or upper position. 

[Her Junior] : She will treat them nicely and talk with them like their are equal age with her.If she with the junior,people will think she is still new as the junior and never realise she in there as her mischieves is covering her age and her 'Izy'.

But..if the junior is 'fake' also,well..damn..she/he will never long on the SM company entertaiment.

By her, 'Fake' is destroying company image.Because of one 'fake', a group or friendship will banned or destroy.'Fake' also dangerous person because she/he will burn you from inside.


Background: She din't have a bright background like normal girl.Her father is abuse person and always beat and abuse her and her oppa.She will been locked alone in darkness storeroom after been beaten every night.She so afraid in darkness and to clam her small little fragile heart,she will sing slowly until dawn and then her oppa open the storeroom and calming her.Her mother is too depresed because abused and died living them to the cruel father in she 10 year old.After abuse her and her brother in  really bad pysically ,their father left them alone fighting with live when she 11 years old.But their are strong.Her oppa stand up and try the audition and now a korean artist that well known as Kim Bum.

"I always thought how amazing it is to put your feeling in each word with so much passion"_Izy

She learn rapping since 13 year with youtube's help and her talent be noticed by her oppa and he persude she to go to any audition.She go to Cube and YG entertaiment but she been push aside since her micshieves can't uncontrolled by them even she has a big talent in sing and rapp and She lost hope.One day ,her oppa saw audition at SM entertaiment and persude again she to go.She don't want.Then her oppa blackmail her if she don't go,she has to wash his clothes for 2 years.She agree to go and she pass the audition for the first time as her rapp and sing are excellent and Lee Soo Man said her micshieves will be an attractive things for the group and the company even it will fit in the fame concept , baddest and Boyish.


  • Baby/Children
  • White roses
  • Choclate
  • comic
  • rollarcoster
  • rillakuma
  • Vanilla
  • soccer
  • extrem activities
  • variety show


  • Fake person
  • Abuse person
  • ing 
  • Rat
  • Darkness (She is Achluophobia)
  • Seasang fans
  • Haters



  • Flips hair
  • sleep on unexpected situation
  • listen to music and dance in public


  • Swimming
  • Walk in public in diguise
  • Read AsianFanFics
  • Singing in bathroom
  • Flying from Hostel (Go out without permision)


  • Hate plastic surgery as its fake
  • know taek wan do but forget a little about it
  • A brilliant student in art high school
  • Always sleep in classroom while teacher teaching
  • A big girl fan of Beast
  • Like to write song but can't compose it well.
  • A ert
  • Hyun Seung have two times said in Weekly idols and strong heart that Izy is his ideal girl.Because she not afraid to show her true color and very cute actualy.
  • Fobia in darkness place (achluophobia) and Yelling man (Akousticophobia)
  • Caffience like coffee even a small cup can make she sleep less then one minute after drank it.
  • Have a lot experience with child or baby since she always take care neighbour's children when their busy before she debut.
  • Dream to have male twin if she get married.
  • Don't care to early married and also support it very well.


Family Member: (idol siblings max.2 taken)

Papa // Kim Geun Suk // 49 // uknown // Cruel Abuse person // he missing

Mama // Kim Ai Sakura // 45 // novel writer // weak low-spirit // she dead

Oppa // Kim Sang Beom// 26 // Korean Actor // Cool OpenMind // love and always be                                                                adviser for his sister

Best Friends: (can be OC/Idol/Actress. max.5)

Choi Seung Hyun // 26 // Rapper Bigbang // Badboy childish //

Accompany her every night when she 'flying' out from hostel.Their make naughty things together.If he has any problem,he will shared with her and their solve it together.If she just listen to music and dance in public,Seung Hyun will also make crazy dance and dance together with her.

Kwon Ji Yong // 25 // Leader Bigbang // Funny High-Spirit //

Sometime when Ji Yong lack ideas in writing.She will visit Ji Yong and give ideas and help Ji Yong in writing songs.As his repay kindness,Ji Yong will treat her and watch movies with her(diguise).As the only one who know Her family background,He felt pity and sad with her then treat her as his own little sister.


Friends: (min.3 max 6)

Choi Min Ki // 18 // Nuest Member

Park Shin Hye // 23 // Actress

Cha Sun Woo // 22  // B1A4 Member

YOU'RE MY LUCK . . . .


[Change Lay picture with your love interest and Tao picture with your love rival]

Love interest: Kris EXO

Personality: He is social and very charismatic person.He always tell he hate Aiza but Exo and Fame know that Kris love her very much.He always concern about her and very worry at night as he know Aiza will go out without permision.Afraid anything bad happen as Aiza is girl..His girl.Without he atcualy realise,he will sigh and muttured his worry every night to Exo member.But something he will confuse about his love.It's Aiza or Bree??

"When Kris felt in Love with that girl,he will tease and arguing with that girl"-Lay

How you met: In SM's studio.while she walk,she slip as the floor is wet and fall on Kris.She stund seen his perfect face but quickly get up when seen he smirking naughty.She try to appology to him but then Kris pick up fight with her and war is begin...

Interaction: Love & hate  

Their always arguing even for small things.When she prepared to fight or arguing,Kris drooling her with romance and make her heart beating hardly.She always think Kris hate her but Sometime she confuse with Kris's love.He hate me or love me?But..My love is for someone else..

Relationship: Crush_Enemy ?

Backup: N/A

Love rival: Jang Hyun Seung

Personality: He very calm and quiet person.He is adorable and insanely random yet Funny.He is 4D prince and also the troublemaker Beast.But He scared a lot of things especialy losing Aiza.He is cute and reserved.He always do sweet thing to make Aiza smile.He always do funny things infornt Aiza as he like hearing Aiza's laugh and he thinks it is wonderfull sound he ever hears in this world.He love to talk straight to the point what he want and dislike .He hate fake person same as Aiza hate.He always called Aiza "My precious Aiza"  .

He always dream to married Aiza in reality and make Aiza belonging him only

How you met:We got married program.The production We got married got many letters from many fans from Beast and Fame that want Izy 's Fames and HyunSeung's Beast to get marry in we got married program after seeing Izy's Fames confess that HyunSeung is her ideal type and HyunSeung confess two times in strong heart and weekly idols , Izy or Jung Hana or Aiza is his only ideal girl. 

Their get in the program and fell in love secretly.The we got married program Izy and HyunSeung be popular program on that year.Many fans think their are good couple and ship them together in the internet and Asianfanfics.Especially when media caught a picture HyunSeung meeting Izy at the airport. Fans called them two

"The soulmate couple"

"The Troublemaker Couple"

Interaction:Sweet and intimate that make Kris heart burn 100 degree of jealousy.

Relationship:Aiza's secret boyfriend and Kris's truly rival love.


I HATE YOU . . . .


[change the left pic with you're rival and the right with your backup rival]

Rival: Yoona SNSD

Personality: She is angel..Godness..Perfect..Too perfect actually.She actually a devil in godness body.She love to pretent and act as she innocent and let people arround her seem and looks guilty .A 'fake' one I guess.

Why are you rival: on the debut day,she accidently seeing Yoona bullying her manager and ask the manager to do dirty works then pretent be angel that helping and prevent it to be happen.Aiza hate fake like that and exposed the scene at Fame member.The Fame exposed it in weekly idols.Yoona angry about it and list Aiza as Yoona's enermy.

Interaction: No friendly at all.

Back-up: Jessica SNSD


Stage name: Izy

Persona: The Bad Girl In Angel Suit (B-GIAS)

Personal fanclub name: B-Angel 

Position: Main Rapper Lead Vocalist (Fame-M)

Backup position: Main Vocalist Lead Rapper (Fame-K)


Comment: I begging you..Please let my ending happily with Jang Hyun Seung..Pity him if I go to Kris (Cried)..Bree Yoon can have Kris:D


Suggestion: Running man Couple Exo and Fames(Couple:Kriss with I<3)

            Weekly Idols.

            Hello Baby Fame 

Scene request: Well...hehehe(Clapping hands)

The scene when Fame trolling her badly and ask her to make seducing dance yet sing song to Seung Hyun that sitting on chair on the stage in their concert.Aiza take the request from Fame's member and sing this song while dancing to Seung Hyun.Let see Seung Hyun face that be seduced fully by her and Aiza's shy seducing face and don't forget the fans that excited screaming for them.

(Some parody that fame member did for Hyun Seung's troublemaker with Hyuna but trolling Aiza to play Hyuna's role as them love eachother and the fans asking for it)


The Scene when Kris dashly admitted to the Media that he love Aiza and he is Aiza's truly boyfriend not HyunSeung then kiss Aiza deeply in Fame Scandals Conference infornt of media.Aiza shocked.HyunSeung that just want get into that conference to admit that he is Aiza boyfriend broke heart.


Sorry...But I can't left Jang Hyun Seung alone~ TT_TT


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