♫ SUJIN ♫ Mirage

Baek Sujin
|| Jung_Eun || 9||



Character's Name: Baek Sujin

Nicknames: Subak-from her name and people who close to her
Jinie(genie)-her friend call her that

Birthday: February-12-1995

Age: 18 

Birthplace: Seoul,South Korea

Hometown: Seoul,South Korea

Ethnicity: Korean

Height: 165 cm

Weight: 46 kg

Blood Type: A

Face Claim: Su Kyung

Backup Face Claim: Park Bo Ram




Onstage:  She's cool, calm and charismatic, a true professional. She gives off an effortless vibe whenever she performs. During performances, concerts and music shows like Ingkigayo, Music Bank and M!Countdown, she is very serious but smiles throughout the whole performance. At the end of every performance she kisses her index and middle finger and lifts it up in the air in a 'V' sign as tribute to all her fans who she can't thank personally. She thanks all of the production crew that helped and usually has food for them or treats them to a meal.

  When guesting on shows, her vibe is a little more uplifting. She smiles and laughs truly which shows a more comfortable and genuine side to her. She knows how to bring up the atmosphere of the crowd and how to draw applause and laughter. She's actually the type to lead the conversation whenever the other members are in a bit of a fuddle but aside from that she stays quiet but attentive and professional, she keeps her guard up and chimes in whenever she feels that people are slightly feeling an awkward silence from the group.

    During interviews or when she's without the group, she's usually more open, especially when asked about her background. She knows what to share with the world and what to not share. She's always prepared for anything whether it's personal or not. She's hardly ever too emotional but there are some topics that are sensitive.

Offstage: She's very easy going and friendly, many are attracted to her because of the 'happy vibe' they get from her. She's loud, stubborn and feisty most of the time but can be sweet and angelic too. She doesn't get angry easily but she can get easily annoyed at people. She doesn't like to show that she's hurt in front of others, she feels too vulnerable and she doesn't want to be pitied or looked down on. She loves people being surprised by her skills because many have low expectations of her, since she's small, and it's her way of proving them wrong. She has many talents but doesn't always like to flaunt them.

    She's very straightforward and doesn't always think about what she says, this is how she comes off as 'over-confident', 'snobby' and 'inconsiderate'. She doesn't take it personally whatsoever, she keeps true to herself and doesn't change herself for anybody. She's very thoughtful and caring, she's the motherly type even though she may not seem like it. She knows how to deal with someone that is going through a difficult part in life, she knows how to comfort them, how to act appropriately around them and how best to deal with them when they become emotional.

Flaws: Her biggest flaw is she can't control her anger. She's a girl who doesn't get angry easily. Once she mad she never can control it.She will throw everything in her sight and will hurt herself like cutting herself.


History: Sujin was born on February 22. she was born in beautiful Seoul, south-korea. her father is a KBS Announcer and her mother is a PD. her childhood was pretty normal.  being the only child, she was dotted by everyone and gets everything that she wants. 

Musical History: Ever since Sujin was young, around the age of four, she was already put into beauty pagents by her mother. She was outstanding at it, so to say, she spoke effortlessly when judges asked her questions and she had many talents she could show off. Her mother brought her into pagenting because she wanted to show Sujin the side of beauty that is hard-working and not just looks. She learned a lot from pagenting but at the age of ten she knew it wasn't her passion, and she grew tired of it. She fell in love with music. She persuaded her parents to let her try out to become an idol. Her parents were shocked with her decision but, reluctantly, they gave in and let her. They knew she would make them proud.



  -The sound of rain: she finds it calming

- Stuffed animals: loves just about anything that is fluffy and soft, and comfortable of course
- When someone plays with her hair: it can lull her to sleep

- Amusement parks: there’s something insanely childish yet exciting about the amusement park that she loves
- The airport: just standing on the airport gives her the feeling of travelling, and she loves to travel
-Trains: she loves to take the train back and forth, mostly just for the fun of it when she wants to get away from the city
- Music: it’s a given as her mother is a music teacher and music accompanies her on her train rides
- Food in general: she’s also willing to try new kind of food
-Puzzles: all kinds of puzzles from Sudoku, crosswords puzzles, the rubix cube and more
- Turtles: she finds them totally endearing
- Skinship: she’s rather affectionate and this is her way of showing the people around her how much she loves them
-Everything Disney and Alice in Wonderland related

- Liars: although she would have to twist the truth at certain situations, Haebyul doesn’t like to lie to other and dislikes it when people lie to her
-Flowers: they’re pretty to look at and probably smell nice too but she wouldn’t want it as a gift or anything, nor would she give it away as a gift
- Vegetable: she’s has never liked the vegetable
- The circus: she doesn’t think it’s entertaining and dislikes the way they treats the animals
- Clowns: fears them more than ghosts and other creatures
- Ferris wheel: she finds them very boring and not fun at all
- Being accused of doing something she didn’t do: it annoys her to no end
- Coffee and black chocolate: too bitter for her taste
- The smell of smoke
-Surprises: she doesn’t like to be surprised and would like to be aware of her surroundings at all times. When that’s said and done, she’s also quite observant so not much would slip past her unnoticed

- Travel to new places or just revisiting the places she has already been because she liked it there
- Learning new languages
- Making macramé bracelets and necklaces
- Collects snow globes and bookmarks and napkins with decorations
- Solving riddles and puzzles: one of the things she finds joy in
- Riding the bike to the countryside
- Going on concert during the summer
- Stargazing

- Whenever she learns a new language, she would go around using small words or phrases from said language so she learns them better
- Runs her fingers through her bangs quite often
- When thinking, her hands always has to play with something (her phone, a book, a fork) and she often looks up, a habit she developed because of her constant stargazing
- Laughing at something she heard a day or more before


 -Can solve the rubix cube in under a minute
- Plays the piano, drums, guitar and accordion
- Prefers necklaces over rings, but bracelets over necklaces
- Her goal is to travel the world
-Tries to speak English with a British accent. Key word: tries
- She doesn’t know why herself, but she has a slight obsession with everything British
-She listens to most kind of music; she isn’t too picky about music genre. If she likes the song, then she likes it
- Is afraid to get a tattoo for real but likes to imagine that she has some, which is why she often draws on herself when bored
- She might not speak many languages fluently but you would be surprised at the amount of languages she can swear in
- Although she dislikes the Ferris Wheel, she has no problem with being high above the ground. In fact, she enjoys it quite a lot
- She’s ambidextrous


[ Father || Baek Jeongho 
|| 48 || KBS announcer ]
[ Mother || Son Ahra 
|| 45 || PD ]

Best Friend(s):
[ Krystal 
|| 19 || Idol ]

[ Hyungshik 
|| 22 || Idol ]

[ Taeyeon || 24 || Idol ]

[ Baekhyun || 21 || Idol ]

Thoughts On Other Members:
[ Haeli || 23 || Leader, Main Vocalist ] 

~Thoughts:Sujin love Haeri because whenever Sujin ask her something especially when she ask for a cup of tea she never say 'no'.Sujin love to hug or backhug Haeri because of Haeri heights 10cm difference  heol~  and she like it when Haeri hug her :).

[ Killa || 21 || Lead Rapper ]
~Thoughts: At first Sujin and Killa was a bit awkward because Killa's personality is bit different than Sujin.But after spending some time together they both become close and sometimes, Killa will help Sujin sneak in  the club because Sujin is still underage.

[ Andy || 21 || Triple Threat 
~Thoughts:Andy like to spoil Suin which why Sujin love her.When Sujin hungry she will whine at Andy "Unnie~ cook for me~".Sujin always ask Andy to dye her hair because she can't dye her hair by herself.

[  Suim || 20 || Visual, Lead Dancer ] 
~Thoughts:Suim is Sujin favourite unnie.Sujin always tell her secret at her that's why Suim have all Sujin secret.Sujin always tell Suim what happen at her when she's not with her member including Hyuna confess at her.

[ Clara || 19 || Main Dancer, Main Rapper 
~Thoughts:Clara like to prank Sujin because Sujin always annoyed her by calling her 'Dwarf unnie :P'. And Sujin like to dare Clara to do something and she did it :).

[ Kwon Elly || 19 || Lead Dancer, Lead Rapper ] 
~Thoughts:Sujin always wake her up because only Sujin kow how to wake her up.lol. by whispering "Honey~~~~ wake up palli~"
And Sujin know almost everything about her.Elly always comfort Sujin when she's upset. Whenever they bump with Taeyeon Sujin will tease Elly because she know Elly like Taeyeon.

[ Sky || 19 || Main Vocalist ]
~Thoughts:Sujin think this unnie is weird! First time she met Sky she does silly face and talk to herself infront of mirror and she thought 'is she crazy??' then when they stay at dorm together Sky act cold at Sujin suddenly she ask cutely "Sujin-ah do you believe in unicorn?" at first Sujin was blur then Sujin say "Did Unnie believe it?" then she nod like a little kid. 'Waaa this unnie is really weird firstly she act crazy then cold now she's cute'. After know about her she realize that Sky has many side in her.


[ Rio || 18 || Maknae, Lead Vocalist ]

~Thoughts:Sujin is most closest to Rio even on stage they always have fun together and doing skinship naturally until most of Mirage fans ship both of them as 'maknae couple'.






Rival: Hyuna(4Minute)

Reason for Rivalry: Hyuna likes Sujin no she loves Sujin.But Sujin never love her.lol actually Sujin kinda like her because she's Y and HOT. But she like Daehyun more that's why she cant accept Hyuna. and Hyuna already confess at Sujin for 100000th times until Hyuna find out that Sujin like Daehyun and Hyuna flirt with Daehyun to make Sujin jealous.

Backup Rival: Taeyeon(snsd)



Love Interest: Daehyun

How Will/Did They Meet: They meet at club where Sujin accidentally bump with Daehyun and spill a glass of wine on his favourite jacket and Sujin kindly offer to clean the jacket for him.Second time they meet at backstage when Daehyun ask about his jacket then Sujin realize that she never touch the jacket after the accident.Then he apologise to Daehyun she say she didn't bring it.Then Daehyun ask for her number.Everyday Daehyun will ask 'How bout my jacket''When we will meet again???'.At first Sujin find it kinda annoying but after about 5 days they texting each other.Sujin start feel comfortable with it.Until one day Daehyun ask her out by using the reason 'Give my jacket back' but actually Daehyun already starting to like her. That's why he ask her out.

How They Act Together:  Sujin kind of bullies him, it's quite funny really.  They're always picking 'fights' with each other, in a friendly way of course. Since both of them like to act, they often compete for who the "best actor" is. Daehyun also likes imitating her, and Sujin loves to imitate his Busan accent. These two are two divas that, put together, could blow up a storm! At the end of the day, of course, Daehyun really cares for her and is her shoulder to cry on often times. She can talk to him about basically anything, and he can do the same. They're like cat and dog, most of the time. Sometimes Daehyun will let her borrow his clothes, like his oversized shirts or his sweaters/jackets, because Sujin says that men's clothes are more comfortable then girl's. Daehyun (Secretly) loves it when she wears his clothes, because it makes her look like they're dating- which he loves, even though she's not really.

Relationship: Crushing

Backup Love Interest: Seungri(Big Bang)

 (The "Group Love Interest" section is for chosen applicants only. If you are chosen, you must choose one of the other girls in the group for your character's love interest)

Group Love Interest: Kwon Elly

How They Act Together: Sujin will always take care of her.Sujin love to wake up her because she think Elly face when she's sleeping is cute and love to call her honey~ when the other member want to wake her up Sujin will stop them(but of course not too obvivious) and say she will do it. Sujin is really really jealous when Elly talk about Taeyeon but Sujin will tease Elly to cover her jealousy.Both of them love to do skinship with each other onstage or offstage.

Relationship: Crush

Scene Requests: (I at this part)
~When Sujin want to wake Elly up Elly pull Sujin's waist and hug her.
~Duet stage and they kiss .lol.
~Both of them alone in the dorm.When they make out someone see it.
~When Elly make out with Taeyeon Sujin saw it and Sujin ignore Elly for several days.


Backup Group Love Interest: Lee Haeri





Stagename: Sujin

Persona: Tea Princess

Position: Actress,Lead Vocalist

Backup Position: Maknae,Lead Vocalist

How Long Were You A Trainee: 4

Trainee ife:  Baek Sujin was, among all the trainees, usually who took the "lider" function. Maybe because she was one of the girls who had train longer.Sujin was known for being the Tea princess because when everybody was having a coffee, Sujin was the only drinking jasmine or chamomile tea. Besides this, Sujin was very dorky among the trainees as well as clumsy by her own nature. She didn't feel down, she rather smiled for her mistakes and tried to be humble. This way, she was liked by every trainee, as she took good care of them. She worked hard to do her best as a trainee, she spent in practise room day and night, so she prefered to miss her school classes instead of lose useful hours practising her vocal skills.  

Singing Twin: Soojin (Girl's Day)

Dancing Twin: Sunny(Snsd)

Rapping Twin: Sooyoung(snsd)

Talking Twin: Hyoyeon(snsd)



Story Suggestions: ---

Scene Request: 
A scene where Sujin make out with Hyuna
scene when Sujin reject Hyuna
scene where Hyuna evedrop conversation between Sujin and one of the member of Mirage about Sujin liking Daehyun

when Hyuna force Sujin to make out with her or to tell about Sujin and Daehyun dating at reporter then Sujin do what Hyuna said.
scene where B.A.P and Mirage in the same show and Daehyun tell that her ideal type is Sujin and both of them blushing
scene a photo where Daehyun kiss Sujin leaked out and the title is "Sujin and Daehyun Dating?"
a scene when Hyuna kiss Daehyun infront of Sujin



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I have a task for you that will help me to make this applyfic a bit more realistic :)

Please choose which members of SNSD Sujin would look most like. Please put them in order of which one she resembles most to which she resembles least. Also, please do the same with the members of Nine Muses.

Sorry for bothering you and I hope to hear your response soon ^.^