Random Facts about me

So yea i just felt like writing a blog for some odd reason... *Maybe this burn is getting to me*

So heres just some random facts about me^^


1.)  I am 17 years old *Western age*

2.)  I am very childish, but sometimes can be a halmeoni when it comes to technology

3.)  I love food and even went on some food contests always winning second place *But soon first^^*

4.)  Work at my family resturant

5.)  Very random

6.)  Some of my nicknames are: Stray puppy, kitten, YoungBee, OldBae, Starfish, Shorty, Cupid

7.)  I LOVE chicken!!!! ^^

8.)  COme from a very conserative family

9.)  Love Wolves *Very very much*

10.)  Cannot sleep without stuffies on my bed


Ok so that was random.... ummm well yea *If you can't tell i'm very bored right now and well yea so ummm byebye!!! ^(^.^)^ <(^.^)> (>^.^<)<(^.^<)(>^.^<)(>^.^)>(>^.^<)<(^.^)>(>^.^<)^(^.^)^  *Dancing*


images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT4bOBbo_s-b_vxnqO8Ntq  "Honesty is always the best policy," Quoted by ummm... truthfully i have no idea who made that.  *See where honesty gets you^^*


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Bl0ndeBird #1

I cannot sleep without a second pillow to hug and a bed quilt (even if it's summer).. The blankets feels too light to my taste, that's why

*goes back to her little weird world*