Things I Want To Do Before I Hit the BIG 3-OH

1. Learn Korean to the point I can speak, read, and write fluently.

2. Finish school.

3.  Get my TOEFL/TSL certification.

4. Left arm sleeve.

5. Have a job I'm happy with and happy to get up for.

6.  Have MY own place.

7. Travel in the many places I want to go to...prolly make a seperate post on that. lol.

8.  Have ALL request fics done.

9.  Learn how to breakdance.

10.  Learn some sort of martial art.

11.  Body toned and happy with it. (wewt. doing that now. lol)

12.  Meet and huggle all my dongsaengs here. =]

13.  See Big Bang, Epik High, and Suju LIVE and in concert...if that means i'm in S.K. then so be it.

14.  Meet ALL my biases (lol). 

15.  Adopt my aff dongsaengies.^__^


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Is it sad i though I was looking at MY list for a second XD<br />
Weeee must get to know each other. Maybe co-write? :D
@gabby i could go with that too. lol<br />
@jeffy yep =]
OH MY GOSH, I WOULD LOVE TO MEET AND HUG YOU @_@ And then go to a Super Junior concert together >=D *coughs* I didn't know you liked Super Junior *coughs*
generalhardhead #4
"11. Body toned and happy with it. (wewt. doing that now. lol)"<br />
<br />
I thought you said "body boned and happy with it" XDDDDDDDDD