EXO Boyfriends Rent Application | | Won Junhee


{ }  hello, beautiful!
won junhee | the careless little kid
Username: littlemay
What can I call you: May
Activeness: 9
Face-claim: Kim Jayoung
Pictures: Gallery
Backup face-claim: Su Eun
Pictures: Gallery

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{ } so you want to rent a boyfriend?
Full name: Won Junhee
Nickname: Juni, all my friends call me this. I sign my name with it too.
Birthdate: 07/12/93
Age: 20
Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea
Hometown: Gwanak district, Seoul, South Korea
Ethnicity: Korean
Occupation: University student of Seoul National University (SNU)
Blood type: AB
Current appearance: Dark brown/black long, curly hair. I'm pretty petite, so it's okay if he's not that tall. I was blessed with these big brown eyes, that I consider my only good point. I have bangs. I'm a pretty normal, healthy weight. 
Height & weight: 161 cm, 47 kg



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{ }  everything there is to know about you?
I guess you can say I'm a little bit moe of a clutz. "Omo! Is she okay?" "Watch out!" Yada yada yada. I hear it all the time. My sense of balance is perfectly fine, I'm just plain clumsy. I live on a metronome set on presto and my attention span isn't the greatest.  Luckily, my immune system is pretty good so the bruises don't last long. I just feel like there's so much more to see than just what's in front of us (like that pole right there). Luck seems to like me, because for one thing I'm somehow still alive and healthy, but also because I'm really good at predicting things. I haven't lost a game of rock paper scissors for a couple years now. I'm the type of person will hear a joke, get it, and then laugh about it nonstop for like 10 minutes. I laugh really easily, and I like laughing. It makes me feel all happy inside and it gives you abs (nods). If you see me frowning, that means I'm either really, really upset, or someone just died. (Just kidding of course... sort of)
I don't like relying on my friends because I don't want to be a burden to them. I won't reject their helping hand, but I'll make sure to pay them back for their help afterwards. I feel really guilty when someone has to fix my mistakes. I feel heartbroken when people get annoyed by me. It feels like the world is crashing down, especially when it's the ones I love. The ones closest to me are the ones I spend the most time with. The more I like you, the more you won't be able to get rid of me. 
Out of sight out of mind right? Sadly, the same goes for my belongings. I think there's a little monster following behind me everywhere gobbling up my stuff. I've noticed he likes pencils and homework. 
Don't try to sass me gurl because I am the sassafras king. If you look up the definition of sass master, you'll see a picture of me. Mhmmmmm. Although my friends seem to think that I'm not very intimidating, I don't know why... If I'm ever staring out into space, I'm probably observing things that are completely and utterly useless. Actually, I lot of things I do are useless. For example, I can't drive, but for some reason you'll never fail to hear me say "Oh look gas prices went down this week," whenever we drive by a gas station. If something doesn't interest me, I'll just ignore it unintentionally ofcourse. If something is bothering me, I'll just push it to the back of my mind and forget about it. I tell myself, "Think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts". I'm very picky about what I'm picky about. I refuse to eat leftovers and I hate any orange colored food (especially carrots). Living by myself is difficult since my cooking menu is prettty narrow. My apartment is always a mess, and it amazes me when I see people who are actually organized. Ain't nobody got time fo dat stuff. I only do aegyo when I want something from people. It's very effective! (imitates pokemon). The list of quirks goes on and on, but I'll just leave it for the section down there. 
Music is literally my life. If I didn't have music, I'd probably be working at mcdonalds. You can say that I wasn't best student, but when it comes to music, I'm a pro. Certain things just come naturally to me, and music happens to be one of them. The song I'm listening to changes the mood I'm in, even if it's in my head. Good thing I like happy songs.

1. lower case letters. they look so much more casual and cute looking. Plus it saves energy pressing the shift button
2. tumblr pictures. How do they even. I can't even pick a good filter for instagram.
3. the internet <3
4. white shoes. They get dirty easily, but they look so pretty while they're new.
5. r&b, pop ballads; mellow, sweet, catchy songs. 
there's so much more things I love but I'm limiting myself.
1. orange. I abhor it.
2. being late
3. when people emoticons for EVERYTHING <3 <3 XD. I can imagine that you're happy, I don't need to see the 'colon D' or a 'colon parentheses'
4. Anything strawberry flavored. blehh, it reminds me of that disgusting flu medicine they give you.
5. bubblegum
Pet peeves:
1. When people mess things up on purpose to get attention
2. When people wear orange
3. When your earbuds get tangled
1. Ghosts and murderers. Especially when it's dark and late at night... like when you go to get a midnight snack at 2AM in the morning. And 
scary movies. no explanation needed. I will scream my head off
2. When people I'm close to get irritated or mad at me
1. When I make silly mistakes, my aegyo voice comes out. It's kind of my way of being apoligetic. 
2. When I like a song, I'll replay that song until I get sick of it.
3. I will stop and probably stare with puppy dog eyes if I see a dress I like in a window of a store.
- listening to music while jogging/listening to music/doing chores, etc
- learning songs on the piano
- watching shoujo anime/reading shoujo manga
- surfing tumblr
- jogging, swimming, or any other sport that doesn't recquire much thinking, just endurance.
Style: nautical mixed with edgy. Also sometimes modest and casual, when at home.
- fav food: ddukbeokki
- fav color: white
- fav drink: any ultra-sweetened coffee like a cappucino
-fav subject: music
- I have very thin, long fingers. They're my proudest feature
- I'm ambidextrous (she can use both hands), it comes in handy when she's writing songs
- I've always had very short hair as a kid, but I grew it out when I got to highschool because I wanted to look more "womanly"
- I know how to code (java). Not super good at it though.
- When I'm bored I will doodle things like little hearts on whatever surface I can find. Whether it's my homework, or my hands, or your face....
I grew up in a big family with two older sisters and an older brother. My father was a doctor and my older siblings all did very well in school. Of course life wouldn't be fun if everyone was perfect right? I, unfortunately, got the short end of the stick being the single member of the family who did poorly in school. I at all subjects including even art and p.e.  I had trouble paying attention in class and would always get in trouble with my teachers for "pulling people's hair" or "pushing the little boy down". I mean come on, I was giving him a hug! How is it my fault if he's too weak to carry a tiny little girl on his back? My father pretty much gave up on me after I barely passed elementary school.
Ever since I was in preschool, I really enjoyed music class. I would be the one singing along with class horribly loud. My older sisters both played piano, so naturally I had to learn piano along with them too. For some reason, I learned really quickly, and at age 6, I caught up to my oldest sister's level within a year, and she had already been learning piano for 4 years already. My second sister quickly quit piano after learning for a year since she has no musical talent whatsoever. My oldest sister quit after she got busy with school in middle school. I, however, continued playing piano even to this day. I finally got the recognition from my father I had longed for since forever. I took it as a way to make up for my sub-par grades. I taught myself guitar in 5th grade and learned cello in orchestra in middle school. Thanks to my quick learning abilities, I got into a good music centered high school that was different than my older siblings, but I was glad. I might have been outcasted by my family, but at least when I was making music I was happy. 
I became interested in music composition when I entered highschool. I started writing my own songs. After recieving a lot of praise from my music teachers, I naively sent one of them to the famous SM entertainment in freshman year. I thought they might offer me a couple thousand won to use my song, but guess what? I forgot to put my name on it. I won't say what song it was, but they used it and credited it to "unknown donor". I was actually really proud that they thought my song was good enough to use, but I didn't tell anyone about it in fear of them not believing me. After that incident, I was furious. I immediately knew I wanted to succeed as a song writer and actually get the money and credit I deserved. I frantically applied to all the good music colleges possible. Miracuolously, I was accepted into SNU. They overlooked my average grades and accepted me. I moved out into my apartment near the campus, where I've now been for the last 2 years. I'm currently in my second year, studying musical composition at Seoul Nationaly University. One thing is, my father, and my three older siblings both go/went to Korea University, the rival school of SNU. Although I think my father is kind of still in shock that I got in, even after two years. He still acts like he's not impressed since I major in music.


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{ }  special ones?

Father || Won Jinyoung|| 52 || Doctor || Stern, Proud, Confident, Childish at times ||5 || After raising his first three children to become such successful young people, he expected the same for me. I didn't study as well as my older siblings, I always felt like he didn't love me as much as he loves his other three children. In comparison, he is colder towards me, and I honestly felt left out. Of course I've come to realize that in reality, Jinyoung loves the four of us the same, he just showed more affection and praise to my siblings, unconciously. I had never confronted him about his biasness, so I guess I can't really blame him. He never supported ,y interest in music, until of course, i got accepted into a SKY university, but I think his inner pride for his youngest daughter shines through whenever he hears me perform. I would always go on stage with a worried frown, while performing, I would spot my father in the audience smiling proudly, and I would come off stage grinning my face off.
Mother|| Oh Jinah|| 50 || housewife|| Youthful, Worrywart, Naggy, Helpful || 8 || Jinah is a stressed ahjumma with a lot to nag about. She nags atJunmi (1st daughter) being to tired all the time. She nags at Junli (2nd daughter) being to picky and making the wrong decision. She even nags at Junki playing around and not being interested in getting married and starting a family. But most of all, she nags at me. When I was little, I was like the ugly duckling of the family, always being whispered about by our neighbors for being the 'disapointment to the family'. My mother however, never saw me as a disapointment. I was a late bloomer, and Mother was anxious waiting for me to bloom. Mother always supports me when I needs it most. I trusts my mom a lot and come to her for help all the time. 
Sister|| Won Junmi || 27 || Doctor || Kind, Graceful, Intelligent, Wise|| 5 || Junmi was too busy with her own life to deal with me, when we were kids, and now. We never really had any sisterly bonding moments. Even with the stress of her father's expectations on her shoulders, she still managed to graduate from a SKY university and following in Father's footsteps to become a doctor. She was a perfect girl; She had the looks, the talent, and the personality for a perfect daughter and a perfect wife. I was very jealous of her sister's ability to do well in everything. Junmi always thinks of me as a little girl, never growing up. 
Sister|| Won Junli || 25 || Lawyer || Sarcastic, Aesthetic, Strong, Prideful || 4 || Junli is the vain, beautiful one of us three sisters. She was very girly and the most popular with guys since we were young. Like Junmi, she never had any sisterly connection with me, and sees me as a nuisance. She gets annoyed with everything I do and acts like I'm a stranger in the family. Which is fine, because I don't really like her either. We're always bickering and either my parents or Junmi would have to break us up. Deep down, like reeeaaaally deep down, I know she'll be there for me if I ever needed help. Now that we're both adults, we try to keep it civilized whenever we see eachother, but occasionally we'll burst out in argument. 
Brother | Won Junki || 22 || Student at University of Seoul|| Talkative, Social, Bouyant, Cheerful || 9 || Junki is the only sporty one in the family. None of us were bad at sports, Junki was just exceptionally good. I was closest to him growing up since we're close to the same age. I would always play in the mud with him when we were little kids, so you can thank him that I didn't become like Junli. Even with the goofball he is, he still manages to do well in school. My friends would always get really shocked when they found out that we are related since Junki's kind of a ladies' man and a popular guy. I would get his love letters shoved in my locker by accident since our lockers are right next to eachother. Junki seems open and bright all the time, but I know he has a lot of secrets. He used to tell me everything, but after he graduated, we've been getting farther apart. 
Friend: [max. 3]
Kim Hannah || 20 || University student (classmate) || Calm, Level-headed, Sarcastic, Flirty || 10 || Hannah and I met in highschool. We were in orchestra together. She played the violin (and she was amazing at it), and I played the cello (I was mehh). We've been best friends since. Although there are a lot of people I know and that know me, I'm really that close to them. Hannah and I are different. We're eachothers' right hand women. We do everything together. She knows everything about me, and I know everything about her. She's always there for moral support, and in fact she was the one who suggested we apply for this thing. She got a boyfriend right before she got a chance to turn in the application, so here I am applying by myself. 
Rival: none 
Love rival:
friends || Jung Daehyun || 20 || University student (classmate) || Bright, Cool, Comedic, Chivalrous || 7 || Interaction || not at all. He appeared in my life quite suddenly. I never even noticed him until this year. He sits by me in class, and we became friends after working on a song for a project together. He's saved me from hitting my head and falling down a couple times. He's a great singer and a really funny, but I've never thought of liking him before. He confessed to me a couple days after he found out I met with D.O. We've gotten pretty close since we're in the same classes, and I really just want to stay friends. He's friends with Hannah too.

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{ } "I like you the best."?

Name: D.O
Why choose him?: His name is so interesting... like mine! And it also says he's good at cooking so that's a big plus heheh. Of course there's also various reasons if you know what I mean... one of them being that I'm obsessed with his eyes. He seems different, special, compared to the other guys.
Interaction: D.O shi would be the perfect boyfriend. He would cook for me, and he would carry my bags like a big strong guy (hopefully he's strong). He would listen to me ramble on about random things and actually listen. We'd joke around and laugh around eachother. He would always make me smile. He'd be the first person I see when I wake up, and the last person I see before I go to bed. We would do a lot of crazy things together, like bungee jumping, blob jumping, crayon pop jumping? heheh just kidding. He's good at singing so maybe we could sing a song together. Of course I'd be the harmony, because I'm not that great at singing. We'd harmonize and maybe even upload it They'll call us a cute couple, and we'd I'd make him wear couple outfits with me, and he'll comply because he's a sweety. 
Backup: Chen

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{ } Q&A!
Q1. Why do you want to rent a boyfriend?
Because probably no one will willingly be my boyfriends. Just kidding. It's almost the holiday season and my mother keeps nagging at me to find a boyfriend soon or I'll never get married. Maybe my rental beau can come with me to Christmas dinner so I can look good to my sisters. I also admittingly have never had a boyfriend... I really want to be the main character in a sappy romance drama that they always show on t.v. I feel like I'm always that sad, lonely best friend who no one knows what happens to in the end.
Q2. Your ideal first meeting?
Well he would be surprised to see me, but in a good way. I really hope he greets me with a sincere smile. Maybe I could wait for him at our meeting spot in the snow, and he would run up to me red nosed from the cold and panting slightly and ask me if I've waited long. Typical right? It would start snowing while we're on the date and he'd worry if I was cold. I would pretend like I was ladylike and reply no, even though I would probably be freezing my booty off. He's got plenty of time to meet the real me, so it's alright if we pretend for a little while on the first date right? 
Q3. How do you like the boyfriend to treat you?
I want him to abuse me. Nom I'm kidding. I hope he will be the sweet type and notice when I try to look good for him. He'll hopefully be very organized and take care of me like a big brother. 
Q4. Are you comfortable with skinship?
does the fox say 'Ring-ding-ding-ding-ding-dingiringiding'?
y e s!

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{ } Hello, Goodbye!
Comments: This was such a creative idea! kudos to whoever came up with it. Sorry about my weird and unorganized app. I wrote it like how Juni would have written it. Hopefully I didn't make you puke with terribleness ;;
Sorry if the "family" was too cliche. It didn't seem like it when I was thining of it in my head, but now that I look at it, it's almost exactly like the family in 'You're the Best Lee Soon Shin'. Just take it as if she has two overachieving sisters and an expectant family who she can't seem to meet the satisfaction of. Oh well, I spent a long time typing it out so I'll just leave it in for now.
Suggestions: i got nothing
Scene requests:
- (see ideal first meeting)
- Juni goes to D.O's house and sees how clean and neat he is
- D.O goes to Juni's house to eat dinner with her family
- They write a song and sing it together
- D.O visits Juni's dorm and helps her clean up her apartment
- Juni tries to cook something for D.O, but she ends up burning herself. D.O takes her to the hospital frantically
- Juni and D.O excersize together and D.O complains. Juni makes reminds him that he said he wanted to excersize and big broader shoulders
- They go bicycling and Juni crashes. D.O tends to Juni's scraped knee
- Juni's professor makes her take an English class, so she can write English lyrics. Juni ends up skipping the classes and goes to see D.O. He eventually finds out and ends up tutoring her so she won't fail the class
- D.O and Juni cover a song (probably English) and they upload it to Youtube.

Anything else you want to tell me about the character?: she's really weird, but shhhhhh~ don't tell her. She's supposed to be kind of a prodigy at composing and playing instruments. So even when she says she's 'meehh', she's still pretty good.
Password: i love you <3

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layout credit to _milkshake @ f a l l e n angel.

                            plot © aegiqueen & chocochipsdeer. 2013



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