Tagged by BrightStar32

Rule 1 : Post the rules.

Rule 2 : Answer the questions The Tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones.

Rule 3 : Tag 11 people.

Rule 4 : Let them know you tagged them



Questions by BrightStar32

1) Would you ever want to move from your home country?

This is actually a very difficult question for me. There are many times that I would like to move from the United States and live in Sweden. I know that's a really big jump and might seem random to some, but I've been going to Sweden almost every other year since I was a child. I have no relatives there or anything but my family just goes because we are in love with that country.

2) If you could live in any kind of AU, what would it be?

Oh goodness I'd have to live in it? My immediate thought is reverse harem universe but honestly I'd go with historical AU.

3) Favourite kink?

without doubt. I haven't written any yet for Taoris but in my old fandom I was the queen.

4) Would you say that you're an honest person?

No. I know that's a horrible thing to say but in my friend group I'm always the cunning one that twists words around.

5) Vampires, werewolves or ghosts?

It's between vampires and werewolves so let's go with mermaids.

6) On a scale of 1 to Luhan, how much do you love Xiumin?

Xiumin... my twitter followers understand my feelings about this haha

7) What's the first thing you notice when you meet new people?

Their shins. Yes, I'm a creep.

8) Your favourite joke?

Uhh... cheesy ones?

9) Who's the ultimate top in EXO? And the ultimate bottom?

Ultimate top is Kris. Kris tops anyone in any fic in my mind. Ulitmate bottom is Tao but I only like him bottoming for Kris. Tao is a stud in real life so no way is he taking it from anyone other than Duizhang.

10) Ever done something stupid in school/college?

Again, my twitter followers know my adventures in university since I have a tendency to broadcast them.

11) The power to fly or to live underwater, which one would you pick?

The power to live underwater.


My questions:

1. What country do you live in now?

2. How did you get into EXO?

3. Do you have any ships in EXO that you absolutely hate?

4. Opinions on crossover fics?

5. What was the last song you listened to?

6. Do you think that you have an accent?

7. What's your favorite aspect about your bias?

8. If you ever met/or have met your bias in real life what would you say?

9. What's the creepiest thing you've ever said about your bias?

10. Favorite food?

11. Can you speak another language?




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