New Christmas Project

Hey Ya'll,

Christmas time is here...Happiness and cheer. Fun for all... that children call....their favorite time of the year!

And just like the Peanuts tree, it is all about family coming together. Here on AFF, I like to think that you are my family. You listen to my ramblings and leave me comments and offer me assistance. Some of you are silent friends and some of you are really sisters that I write to as often as you will let me. Then there are a few of you that I just can't even imagine my present day without. In the spirit of Christmas, two of the nicest people I've ever meet have agreed to collaborate on a writing project just in time for our Shining boys birthday week. Please check out this story:



I have said it a million time already, but Liliac is an amazing writer and if you are not reading Atkluna, you are missing out of a true talent. Exploring themes of family and Christmas, they are crafting a great contribution to the fandom and I hope you all will get in the Christma spirit through this tale.

As you can tell, I've totally caught the spirit. Merry Christmas, Shawols!


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D'awww... I'm all Christmas-y too now because of you!!! AND THAT LAST GIF- OH MY GOD!!! XD