{ ♛ — seoul school of arts | son han byul


son han-byul

--cinnamon ; 9/10 ; chia


" notes your own note"
 name: son han-byul
 student code: son han12
 date of birth: 11/24/95
 age: 18 years old
 ethnicity: korean
 year: senior
 school: school of music
 persona: the walking radio
 visual one: do hwe ji
 links: gallery
 visual two: gam da in
 links: gallery
 fashion style: hanbyul is the type of girl who likes to wear any kind of clothes, even the out dated clothes. she wear the casual ones the most because basically she spent all her time just around the school or inside her own room busy with her music. when she really needed to go out, hanbyul wears neat clothes such as sweaters with skinny jeans or dresses.
 traits: daring; spontanous; arrogant; loud

arrogant and daring;
hanbyul has a high level of self-confident, she likes to think that she's one of the best since many professor likes to treat her well because of her talents. but not just that, hanbyul never think that her talent is enough because she know and acknowledge that people can improve theirselves, so there's a chance that people around her will be better than herself. hanbyul is so daring to try something new to improve herself, and she never afraid to start something even though nobody support her. hanbyul is so strong-minded and she has her own heart to follow. she hates it when people point out her flaws because she think that people should think of theirselves first.
spontanous and loud;
probably hanbyul well-known for her arrogance, but there are another reason why people easily recognized her. it's because her loudness. hanbyul walk everywhere with singing to some random songs. she's also somehow so blunt and honest about things she doesn't like or comfortable with. hanbyul can not stay still and keep talking even though the person she talk with is no more listening to her. and hanbyul is recognized by her spontan act during her activities. even though a few people may get annoyed because of her, still, hanbyul brings a new mood where ever she is around.
overall, hanbyul is a nice girl for the first impression. but when people got to know her more, she's so unique and sometimes annoying.

son hanbyul was born on late november 1995, at jeju-do, south korea, in a family who loves art so much. she is the first daughter, and a year later, her little brother was born. little hanbyul basically spent her childhood only with her brother and their maid due to their parents business and full day working. hanbyul never really bothered to think about it, actually, because somehow she understand her parents' jobs and she thinks the presence of her brother is enough for her. but at the age of 12, hanbyul finally understand the feeling of wanting a complete family because that year, her parents divorced. her life became more complicated and hanbyul decided to not care about it anymore, at least when her parents is not around.
being the daughter of a famous actress and quite well known composer surely made hanbyul and jaemin have artistic blood running on their body. hanbyul loves music since she's so young and she enjoys her life with it. at the age of 16, hanbyul and her brother follows her mother to moved to seoul and enrolled to seoul school of arts. not long after that, she moved to the school's dorm. it's the same year when her father moved to tokyo, japan, due to his job as a composer for a japanese company. attending the school, hanbyul hopes that her dream to be a singer will come true.
 daily schedule:
hanbyul wakes up every day at 5 and spent an hour to watch the re-run episodes of running man. at 6, she ate her breakfast and then take a shower before she get dressed and ready for school. all of her classes (mostly vocal, guitar, piano, and composing class) took about 7 until 8 hours, and after that, hanbyul went to the cafe nearby to take lunch with her little brother. hanbyul went to the music studio around 6 and usually spent two hours with her friend there, doing something about arranging music, or doing some tasks they had. at 8, hanbyul will be back to her room, cook an easy dinner and then took a bath before went to her keyboard and study again with her notebooks. hanbyul goes to sleep at 10.
on weekend, hanbyul spent most of her day with her brother and her friends or probably just going to the music studio since morning if she doesn't has another schedules.
can cook pretty well; only for herself
a fan of running man, especially kim jongkook
bring a pack of gummy bears every where
can talk in semi-fluent english and basic japanese
she's specialized in singing and piano
plays many instruments; guitar, piano, violin, harp and clarinet
hates dirts and untidy things
likes to spacing out when she's really tired or sick
allergic to cheeses
is a 169 cm tall girl
 dorm: level c
 mother: gong soo-lin ; 43 ; actress ; workaholic, perfectionist, quiet, serious ; due to her school and her mother's busy schedule, they're rarely meet up and when they do, they only spent a few minutes to talk about hanbyul's school.
 father: son jae-hyuk ; 42 ; composer/songwriter ; serious, wise, careless, caring ; her father currently not residing in seoul since he's needed to stay in tokyo because of his job, so hanbyul only met him during christmas.
 brother: son jae-min ; 17 ; school of theater ; blunt, playful, caring, protective ; they spent a lot of time together since they are young, and even though they are attending different school, jaemin and hanbyul still manages to take lunch together every day.
 best friend: park chan-yeol ; 18 ; school of music ; playful, cocky, loyal, smart ; chanyeol helps hanbyul a lot with her music since chanyeol is an expert in guitar and rhythm. they get along well and sometimes they hang out together.
 ex best friend: yoon bo-mi ; 18 ; school of dance ; ambitious, sweet, stubborn, selfish ; they were a best friend because bomi's parents is hanbyul's parents' best buddy, but now, they act like each other is not exist and always underestimated each other.
 name:  kim joon-myun
 student code: kim joo12
 date of birth: 05/22/95
 age: 18
 ehinicity: korean
 year: senior
 school: school of theater
 persona: mr. angel
"people recognize you from your good"
kim joonmyun is probably the only perfect human alive. people knows him for his perfect side, he's generous, smart, polite and everyone at his school likes him and treat him well. people likes to be around him because he can make the atmosphere around him become warm and relaxed. joonmyun smile a lot, and he feels happy when people smile with him. he does everything sincerely. and it's so unbelieveable how kind he is towards people around him.
people only knows him for his perfect side, like i said. but deepest inside, people doesn't know that joonmyun is the type of selfless person. he care about someone so much, but he never bothered to think about himself. he's also a timid and sometimes really emotional. only the closest friends of him know this side, because basically joonmyun kept the distance of people from his personal life.
joonmyun came from a wealth, happy and complete family. he spent his childhood happily with his parents and a brother. even though both of his parents have their own jobs, they never left joonmyun alone and gave him so much love and affections. got all of that didn't make joonmyun grew up as spoiled brat. he learnt to share his affections to people around him because of his family. and he's so grateful because he has everything he want.
 relationship: stranger become friend; they were introduced by jaemin, and now get along pretty well as a friend.
 how you meet:
once, jaemin brought joonmyun (who is his senior) to his lunch with hanbyul because he want to be a matchmaker for his sister. there, hanbyul apologized to joonmyun because jaemin did that and then they introduced themself to each other politely.
 ending: together
 back-up: byun baek-hyun
first, let me apologize because of my grammar mistakes ; n ; it's so awful, right? sorry ; n ; and then, i hope you like her so far >o< please let me know if i should fix something o u o fighting for you, authornim!
 scene requests:
— joonmyun picks hanbyul up on sunday because they want to go to a cafe, but joonmyun left his wallet. so they go to joonmyun's dorm and there, hanbyul scolds him becuse joonmyun piled so many clothes on the floor.
— hanbyul having a brief fight with bomi when accidentally they meet in the bathroom
— hanbyul passed out during one of her class because she is having fever and joonmyun is so worry after jaemin told him through call.
— joonmyun and hanbyul met up because hanbyul doesn't feeling well before her performance, and there, joonmyun hold her hands and says that everything gonna be okay.
 password:  {seoul} {school} {arts



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