ization ehehehe



"Yes, these countries, as of this present time, all classify as Asia. Surprised? You want to marry an Asian person? Doesn’t matter who? That means you are saying that all of these countries with their various histories, cultures, and distinct ethnic features are all the same to you. As long as they are “Asian” you’ll be okay? Granted some people are joking, or being light-hearted. I get that. At the same time there are also people that are not. I’m directing this to the people who really mean what they say. Why not “I want to marry a Korean K-pop idol/celebrity” or “I want to date someone who looks like a Korean K-pop idol/celebrity”? If you want to be shallow, be proud of it , accept it and don’t try to disguise it as “love for THEIR culture”. It really is the same thing as someone saying, “I want to marry a European”. You would get blank stares all around. “But Europe is a continent with many different countries and not all Europeans are the same…” you say? Bingo."


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