`▐┊the нierarchy 〉Hanako Devereux — The Inspiration : Wallflower

I AM the Inspiration, Hanako Devereux
username :DivineDionne | activity : 9 | english : Big Bang | nickname : DiDi
FULL NAME — Hanako "Hana" Devereux
AGE — 16 yrs. old
YEAR — junior
BIRTHDATE — December 1, 1997
HOMETOWN — Montreuil, France
ETHNICITY — Japanese
LANGUAGES — French (Fluent), Japanese (Fluent), Korean (Conversational)
FACE — Sasyo
GALLERY — Wallflowers
GALLERY — Wallflowers
EXTRAS — None.
HEIGHT — 170 cm.
WEIGHT — 50 kg.
STYLE — her style is a bit eccentric to say the least. Being born in France, she has adapted the crazy & questionable fashion of her country. She's also very influenced by her Japanese roots and isn't afraid to mix and match or even cut her hair to suite her mood.
PERSONALITY TRAITS — Sarcastic. Artistic. Smart. Introvert.
Though she might look like she stands out because of her unusual and eccentric fashion sense, she's really a shy girl inside. The reason for her dressing up like this is because she wants to hide her true personality, she thinks that if she covers herself up with pretty clothes and heavy make-up then she'll be able to quell her insecurities and her introvert nature. She's also sarcastic, mainly because this is her way of making people like her. If she takes a jab at herself and make people laugh then she'll feel she's one with everyone (despite putting herself down).
Because of her insecurities she tends to express herself through other means (like dressing up in eccentric and in-your-face types of clothes) like photography. She likes taking pictures of people mostly because she explained that "people may change but if I take their picture--then they won't change, they'll stay the same." She's also very smart (almost to the point where she doesn't study) but don't think that she's naturally smart! She's just a very lazy person that has turned her laziness into her advantage. You see her she never studies because she just listens to the teacher, she doesn't like studying so to make more time for herself she diligently listens to the teacher so that when she get homes she won't need to study because she already understood the lesson.
She was born in France and she grew up in France. Because her mother was Japanese, she wanted to enter her into an Asian School where she meet some of her very best friends. Growing up, she was very loved by her family and she was a normal teenage girl. She was a bit quiet in school and she mostly kept to herself but she had a circle of friends that she treasured and loved.
But then her family was broken. Her father, who she taught was an honest man, left her mother and her. Her mother was devastated but so was she. Her mother wanted to show her father what he had missed and went into a full-time workaholic, leaving her all alone in their house and eating dinners alone. She didn't mind though as she continued on her life. But then slowly, and slowly rumors of her father running off with another woman started to circulate around school. First they were out of pity but then the rumors started to escalate to the point that they were accusing her mother--and she didn't like that.
But she was naturally a quiet & peaceful person, so even if she wanted to stand up for herself she would always get scared. Then she discovered cosplaying and decided to try it on--and she loved it. She was able to put on a mask--a mask that was not her--and become someone else completely! She drowned in the small power that she possessed and soon she was coming to school with more and more eccentric clothes. She was able to let her true personality out and she was even able to try on new personalities with each look she placed on. Soon she built her confidence on lies and acting--and she soon created a lie for her to live in.
Mother : Ai Kameko : 31 : Lawyer : 4 : She is a loving mother who was just caught in fate's cruel hands. She loves her daughter very much and is working hard to give her a bright future.
Father : Chandler Devereux : 35 : Civil Engineer : 2 closeness : He left his daughter and wife and they haven't seem him for nearly six years now (he left when Haru was 6 yrs old) and no one has heard of him since.
Acquaintance : Luhan : ? : student, greatest face : 3 : They're more of "mutual understanding" than friends. Luhan likes her because he's a fan of her pictures but they never actually talk more than pictures or anything related to art.
Confidant : Lee Sungyeol : 18 : Student : 5 : happy, funny, prankster, and is willing to stand up for his friends.
Photograpy-Buddy : Kim Myungsoo : 18 : 4 : Closed-off, a bit cold to people he isn't close to, and his a bit weird.
— clothes + it's her mask. It's the thing that gives her confidence.
— the internet + because it's a good place to place her photographs.
— dogs + because she thinks that cats are evil creatures.
— photography
— cakes/pastries + she lived in France. Cakes/pastries are everywhere.
— tea + cola makes sting.
— Christmas + she only hated Christmas after her mother stopped celebrating it and stopped decorating the house.
— Her Birthday + Because her father sends her gifts and she doesn't like it. It reminds her of the gift-wrapped excuses of her father.
— Cola
— Mango + She naturally doesn't like the taste.
— Her teeth + there too much like the front teeth of a rabbit.
— Metal music + she thinks that it's just noisy.
— Photography
— Surfing the net
— Bites her nails + Nervous tick since she was young.
— Eats too slow + Because she always ate alone in her house, she didn't have to wait for anyone so she would eat her dinner slowly.
— Complains about stupid heroines in dramas but continues to watch it.
— Scared of heights
— Scared of people touching her camera + it's expensive
— Scared of never being bitter + because she still can't forgive her father.
— Her body needs exactly 8hrs of sleep. No more or no less or she'll feel tired all day.
— Though her main love is photography, she also dabbles in writing.
— She's ambidextrous(she can use her right and left hand)
— She can play the piano.
— She's a fan of K.Will
— She once placed top 1 in her previous class but her ranked plummeted after rumors of her father spread through the school.
— She has two dogs named Hachiko and Coco,
— She loves reading the Narnia series book over and over again.
CLIQUE — Wallflower
CODE NAME — Average
PLOT LINE — The Inspiration
WHY THEY HATE THE DIVISION — She hates the division because it reminds her too much of how she was treated in her old school. She know's what Sehun can do and she hates the fact that the wallflowers aren't as united as the other clique because of the fact that they're all scared of Sehun. She thinks that the royals are just bullies. Plain and simple.
MADE ALLIANCES WITH — park chanyeol & Luhan
BIRTHDATE — February 18, 1996.
AGE — 17
YEAR — Senior
PERSONALITY — Ailee is the type of girl that's popular and likes everyone. She was beautiful, smart, and friendly but for some reason she was singling out Hana. Ailee snubbed her and made snide comments and was as cold as the north pole.
INTERACTIONS — Hana would try her best to reach out to Ailee but Ailee would purposely ignore her or treat her badly.
HOW THEY ME(E)T — On the first day, Hana was exploring the building when she came upon Ailee. Ailee was listening to K.Will and seeing that she was a fan, tried to talk to her. At first Ailee was very engaging and friendly but when they introduced each other, Ailee became cold and ever since--has made Hana her public enemy #1
REASON — It turns out that Ailee's mother ran off with Hana's father.
BACKUP — Dasom.
HIS NICKNAME — "That kind bastard that doesn't belong to the royals."
RELATION — 4/ Suho is a fan of her photography work. She is naturally programmed to hate the royals and thus tries not to acknowledge his presence.
BIRTHDATE — May 22, 1995
YEAR — Junior
PERSONALITY — Suho is the rare type of person where his personality doesn't fit the royals. He's very kind to others and is willing to befriend anyone.
INTERACTIONS — Suho tries his best to become close with her but she always tries to steer clear away because she knows how dangerous his smile could be.
HOW THEY ME(E)T — Suho is a fan of her photography work and tried to ask for her autograph one day.
REASON — She admires Suho's honest personality. Though he might be one of the royals, he doesn't try to act like one of the royals and just act like how he normal acts. He also scares her a bit because of his honest personality. Because she sees something in him that lacks.
BACKUP — Onew.
QUESTIONS — None so far~!
COMMENTS — Hello! :D
SCENE SUGGESTIONS — A scene where Suho finds here without her mask (i.e. her crazy outfits and yeah)
ANYTHING ELSE — Nah I'm good. :)
WHAT'S THE PASSWORD — // 分裂 — ( Aisheteru by Monkey Majik ) : 013


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