|| Power Switch Application || - ( Female ) { Lee Gyu-Ri } [ The Kawaii Sweetheart ]














Username : PockyChan
Activeness : 9 1/2!

Nickname : Pocky or Arisu/Ari/A


Character name : 

  • Lee Gyuri - Korean name
  • Arianna Lee - English name
  • Mei Hua Lee - Chinese name

DOB : December 31st 1994
Nickname(s) : Gyuri, GyuGyu, Ari, A, Mei
Gender : Female
Birth Place : New York City, America
Enthicity : Asian: Korean-Chinese
Hometown : Seoul, South Korea
Blood Type : A+
Language :

  • Korean- fluent
  • English- fluent
  • Chinese- fluent
  • Japanese- understands kanji but not other types of Japanese

What makes you unique ? : She's the typical mangaka but she still will help people for some weird reason even though if they hate her, she has the cute personality and it doesn't snap and she barely gets mad. People think she looks boyish and tough due to her hair cut but her hair is growing back.


Personality : Gyuri is a sweet girl who doesn't want to hurt people and will always help them, she's an angel as most people describe her. She was raised by her father and didn't get much attention so she knows how to take care of herself properly. She loves bubble tea and has a strange addiction to pocky. She usually appears as the shy, cute and innocent girl and her members say she's to innocent to watch any of Miley Cyrus' new videos such as Wrecking Ball and We Can't Stop. She can be mature once in awhile and lives with the saying 'Forever Young'. She is inspired by many K-Pop girl groups such as SNSD and f(x). She tends to bite her lip a lot and feels uneasy when people smoke around her. She sticks to her brother a lot and used to have cancer when she was younger but recovered quickly in the next year. Although she can be a bit of a rebel and a cold girl, that usually happens around her mother's birthday which is May 1st. Her favorite Christmas song is Mistletoe by Justin Bieber but she hates him in general.

Background: Gyuri was born to Lee Shin-Hye and Lee In-Jun, her mother died giving birth to her and after that her father took care of her by himself. She has an older brother called Lee Sung-Hye named after her mother. She was born in America and raised there until the age of five, at age of five Gyuri could speak English fluently and Chinese fluently. Her father was half-Chinese and her mother was too. She moved to Seoul at the age of five with her brother who was seven and her father who had to set up a new branch for his company there. Gyuri was confused and never realized why she moved to Korea.

During her primary school years, Gyuri was the outcast, she was never accepted and played with the other outcasts. She met one boy called Byun Baekhyun, he was her best friend for life. They hung out together and enjoyed swinging on the swings. By the age of seven she had cancer, she stayed in the hospital but was schooled by people in the hospital since her father paid someone to do so. Gyuri was scared, people thought it was just physical hurting her but it was hurting her emotionally. She would cry every night since she couldn't be with her brother, she didn't have to shave her head though. She quickly recovered the next year and went back to school.

During middle/high school years, Gyuri was the it-girl. Everyone loved her due to her innocent behavior and her sweet personality. She was a cheerleader and a A+ student. Although there were times where she was the rebel, the girl who didn't want attention and the girl who hated attention. She hated her life for awhile due to depression of the fact that her mother died. But she got over it, by the age of sixteen she met a boy named Kim Jongin or Kai. You could say it was love at first sight but they didn't feel it. They met via Twitter and became best friends although Gyuri had to leave to America due to her father's job, but just for one year.

Soon when Gyuri came back and she didn't meet Kai but she started to be a trainee for JYP entertainment and met many new people and became friends with so many people. She also went to repersent South Korea for ice skating in the Olympics and it was an amazing experience for her. Soon Gyuri switched entertainments and went to YG entertainment.

By the age of 20 she managed to become a member of PowerSwitch, a co-ed group. She made a Draw My Life video on YouTube and it currently has some views since it was recently uploaded.


  • Pocky
  • Bubble Tea
  • Shopping
  • Her iPhone 5C
  • Omnom (this character from Cut The Rope)
  • Her motorcycle and motorcycles
  • Music
  • Ice Skating


  • Justin Bieber
  • Stupid people
  • The typical 'mean' girls
  • Her brother constantly gaming


  • Biting her lip
  • Tucking her hair under her ear while looking down when shy or someone gives her a complement
  • Looking at different places when the situation is awkward

Special / personal talents:

  • Dancing
  • Singing
  • Ice Skating
  • Playing the piano
  • Playing the guitar

Trivia : 

  • She has an older brother who is 2 years older than her
  • Her celebrity crush is Lee Howon or Hoya of INFINITE
  • She loves Bubble Tea
  • Give her pocky and she will listen to you
  • She's a good cook
  • Repersented South Korea for ice skating in the Olympics

Height : 167cm
Weight : 49kg
Face Claim Name : Park Jiyeon
Pics / galery : 
Back-up Face Claim : Lee Jieun (IU)
Pics / gallery : 
Apearances : She usually appears with her headphones on and is practising dance moves or is smiling shyly with her members while eating pocky, she tends to cover her face when embarassed too. She appears in hoodies and shorts and tends to wear Hollister, Converse or Vans just like any other teenager. She wears dresses sometimes and dislikes wearing really short skirts. She wears similar clothing everyday but aren't necessarily the same.
Compared to  : Miss A's Bae Suzy
Trainee Years : 3 Years
Trainee Life : She was a trainee at JYP entertainment since she was seen singing and dancing in a YouTube video made by herself and was immediatly scouted by them, her trainee life was easy and well for her. She was friends with Miss A, 2PM, The JJ Project and many more. She was friends with some of the trainees too. Soon she was scouted by YG entertainment and she decided to go there and explained to everyone she wanted to try something new. The CEO allowed her to go and she was a trainee for one year at YG entertainment.


Lee In-Jun|| Father || Wealthy business man || Silent, strong, independent || 10 || Alive
Lee Sung-Hye || Brother || College student, heir to father's company, works at father's company || Clumsy, lazy, funny, weird || 10 || Alive
Bae Suzy || Sweet, funny, jokester || 19 || Idol || 10 ||
Byun Baekhyun || Like an omma, mature, nice, kind || 21 || Idol || 10 ||
Love interest : Kai, EXO-K
Personality : Kai's a sweet guy who cares for other people though he appears cold sometimes. He tends to demand for things sometimes, usually he listens to music 24/7 and seems like the quiet and cold guy. He laughs a lot with s and when nervous drinks a lot of  water. He usually has his phone in his hands and according to s he's the one who whines about a lot of things. He tends to get annoyed with some of s venting and starts groaning and going back to his room when they do.
How you act around each other : The two are open about their relationship and love each other dearly, they hold hands and share drinks and they take care of each other. They kiss each other and he usually wraps his arm around her or her waist and kisses her forhead. While she kisses his cheek and smiles shyly at him. They go out on a lot of dates but usually resturants or malls but they usually are seen together with one headphone in each others ears and their talking to each other.
How you met : They met through out Twitter and started as online buddies then become online best friends, he soon said he wanted to see her and she accepted. (This is when they were like 16) She saw him for the first time at his 16th birthday and they became real best friends soon. They spent a lot of time together but later Gyuri had to move to America, she came back to Seoul when she was 18 and never saw Kai again until she became an idol.
Back-up Lover : Lee Sungyeol, INFINITE


Stage Name : Gyuri
Persona : The Kawaii Sweetheart
Position : Visual, Lead Dancer
Back-up Position : Powerful Vocalist, Main Dancer
Personal fanclub name and color : SweetKawaii,
Dancing twin : Victoria of f(x)
Rapping twin : Oh Ha Young of A Pink
Singing twin  : Kim Taeyeon of SNSD
Password : This Love by G-Dragon >v<
Requests / suggestions: None :D
Comments : This is the first time I applied for a applyfic c: Hope you like her! :D


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