✣ Polarize • Uta • Pathokinesis

son hanbyul
November 24, 1991
Date of Birth: November 24, 1991
Ulzzang: Do Hweji
Birthplace & Hometown: Jeju Island, South Korea
Ethnicity: Korean
Languages: Korean (native), English (semi fluent), Chinese (conversational)
Personality Traits: Caring; Trustworthy; Hardworking; Daring; Strict
Love Interest: Kim Joonmyun
Short Interaction: They have a similiar yet different personality. It's always her who initiated to start a conversation, and it's always her who reminds him to take the vitamins or take some rest because Joonmyun is so caring towards others yet he is so selfless.
Persona: The Living Music
Power: Pathokinesis (Ability to control the emotions of others)
Explain Your Power: The one gifted with this ability can sense the feeling of others, and alter them according to her will. With a thought, she can resolve a tense situation peacefully or even enlighten someone's mood. This can be used to determine the presence of hidden subject as well, because she can sense the presence of emotions.
Comments: i hope you like her so far! please let me know if i should fix something o u o your idea about the roleplays thing is truly awesome, I LOVE IT So much!!! good luck! xD
Password: sagittarius



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hommage #1
This can be used to determine the presence of hidden subject as well
what does this means?