— - ♢ Jardin Café ( Hwang Iseul | The Barista )

[ vagrant♢ [ 10 ] ♢ [ connie ]

— - ♢ Jardin Café








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( Two )





♡ Interest

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Basic Info


Name : Hwang Iseul » `( 황이슬 )

Nickname/s : 
— - ♢ Naomi ; Her english name, mostly called by her friends overseas.
— - ♢ Soojeong ; Meaning crystal. Her sister invented and called her by this nickname because her face is as clear as crystal.

— - ♢ Yumi ; A japanese name of hers. Called by her mother and it means snow because she was born on winter season.

Birthday : 25 December 1992 

Age : 20

Ethnicity : Korean - Japanese

Birth Place : Osaka, Japan

Hometown : Jeju-do, South Korea
Languages : 

— - ♢ English ( Moderate ) ; Learnt it from school, speaks it well and understands the people who spoke it.
— - ♢ Korean ( Fluent ) ; Used in her everyday lives and her mother tounge as well.
— - ♢ Japanese ( Conversational ) ; Iseul was born in Japan and stays there for 7 years before coming back to South Korea so it's pretty explainable. A few grammatical errors here and there though. And she has some accents too.




Ulzzang Name : Baek Sumin

Gallery : (  )

Backup Ulzzang : Park Seul

Gallery : ( ✰ )


Extra : Iseul has a pair of earrings given from her sister. For piercings, she has quite a lot. Four on her left ear, and three on her right's. She often wear eye-contacts because she's short-sighted. Her natural eye colour is hazel derived from her grandmother's trait. Iseul has two tattoo to be exact. Infinite symbol on her right wrist, and a few birds flying on her right back. One more thing, she has a scar on her lower hips because of a bike accident when she was five.

` ( ear piercings and tattoos ) ; 




Style : Chic and classy. Iseul knew how to draw the customer's attention by using the right fashion in the right place. She opted more for a vintage, old-fashioned style to go with her usual lifestyle. She can't stand cold weather at all, eventhough she was born on winter. That's why she loves wearing cardigan or do some layering in her clothes. You'll usually find her with a pair of oversized sweater, leggings and a pair of dr. martens boots, if she is really lazy to wear gorgeous clothes or simply doesn't have the time to. One of Iseul's favorite items is ribbons and headbands. On work, she let her auburn-colored hair fall down to her back. Most of the times though she will tie it up into a preppy bun look so it won't annoy her job at the cafe. Experimenting with her hair has been Iseul's hobby in her leisure time because they're loose, long and easy to get done. Iseul always have a feminime style. She loves flower, laces, peterpan collars, you named it. She likes wearing simple things on a formal occasion. Nothing too fancy to her liking. She will limit her accesories up to scarves and beanies. 

` ( clothes ) ;  

` ( hair and accessories ) ;   

` ( shoes ) ; ▲ 





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` ( ayo, lemme introduce myself ) ; Iseul is one of the weirdest girl that you, somehow, will met one in a lifetime. It's quite unique realizing how old-fashioned she can be, from her attitude until the way she dressed. Often forgetful and clumsy, it's some of her grandmother traits or her flaws. Although you may saw her and judged her as a cold ice princess on the first time you saw her because of her cold attitude and calm demeanor, Iseul is more than what meets the eyes. To be brutally honest, she is kind of bipolar. She is socially awkward, not knowing how to respond people since she is apathetic and introvert. But if you managed to endure her shyness for a little while, she will be the warmest person grandma you ever met. People said she is eccentric (a bit odd, you may say), saying unusual things in the most irrelevant times. Well, she is born to be old-schooled, she doesn't have so many friends due to her odd-ness. And she isn't witty either, but she always willing to learn something new. Iseul always trying to fit in this modern times, but her way of speaking and cheesiness (yes, she is lame and has weird sense of humor, she knows it. but that side of her is rarely appear, though) has always been her strong attractiveness and this add to one of many reasons why people should love her. Uniqueness.


` ( romeo and juliet, can i be one? ) ;  Many of her friends said she is like a lady from 18th century lost in the new globalization era of 2013. She is traditional and classic. Being a lover of Shakespeare's, making her truly a hopeless romantic. She is in love with the idea of love, but she never showed "that" hidden self to other people. Her weak spot is ... you right. Love. Anyway, Iseul is quite the independent one. She hates to rely on other people and prefer to do the opposite. More about her, she is smart & realistic. She naturally lived by logic, she hates the level of ignorance that teenagers nowadays had. She often complained and wished she lived in the past because of this. Many people takes "ing" and "drugs" easily, as if it's legal to do that. It's saddens her because Iseul is mature and level headed girl and people often don't understand her. That's why she prefer being alone rather than have to face careless teenagers. This makes her kind of a judgemental girl as she often judged people before knowing more about them. She is an observant and tends to be a people watcher, maybe because she's afraid people won't undestand her mix of grandma-smarty pants choices of word and her usual complaints. So, you could say if she is quiet and doesn't like want to talk. She is patient, though and actually really wise, when in the mean time, very indecisive. She loves giving advices to people and stingy. She is strong and indepedent. She hates relying on other's feet and prefer to stands on her own feet. Yes, she is very practical and tactical. She never spends her money to buy something she doesn't need, she'll think forwardly to the future and make a financial plan every month to survive in Seoul.


` ( overview ) ;  Finally, if I have to sum up Iseul personality, she is a nice, old fashioned, grandma-like girl whose actually lived in the eighteenth century kind and fun to be friends with, but sometimes people just don't understand her way of thinking because of her mature personality. Iseul is a strong and independent girl, she stands with her own feet. Although she's sensitive and insecure, she never shows that side of her to others. She's loyal and if you managed to be friends her, she'll be the bestest friends you've ever had.






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` ( welcome to this world! ) ; the hwang's family consisted of emi tanaka and hwang sungcheol were having their great christmas honeymoon in osaka, japan until something unexpected happened. yes, their first daughter was born in christmas day on the year of 1992. they agreed to named her hwang iseul, which means morning dew in korean. it's such a blessing for them to have a child in the midst of their honeymoon in osaka. so, they decided to stay there and developed/expanding his business there. hwang sungcheol now is notable for being the founder of Samsung Inc. after 7 years, they decided to move back to south korea and stay there permanently in jeju island, away from the usual noisiness unlike osaka.


` ( what is that? ) ;  Iseul's childhood was pretty normal. she grew up as a beach girl, since her first years living in the island of osaka until going to her native hometown in jeju-do, south korea. this is why she couldn't stand cold weather at all. her parents were really supportive at her. Iseul has learned to be autonomous. she is the eldest too, she has to take care of her siblings and giving a good example to them. from the start, Iseul has been thought how to be independent and a self-reliable person. eventhough she lived in a island, she rarely wandered and chose to study hard so she could have a scholarship and be a marine biologist. her parents are really rich, but they never spoiled their children or even given them gadgets, and taught them to save money. besides, their lives never fancy on sophisticated things. the hwang's family are fond with the simpler side of living & tends to be hardworkers.


` ( last but not least ) ;  all of Iseul's effort finally paid up when she got the scholarship to seoul national university. so, without having any money to live there, she came to seoul. alone. the witty Iseul didn't lose hope. she asked jihye's for help and lived with her until she found a good job for her to rent an apartment or helped jihye paying the rent. much to her reliefs, living with jihye has taught her inadvertently to be a good chef and barista. a few months later, she found a job offer in Jardin Cafe with a good salary to live on. since then, she decided to take the offer and works there while continueing her study in seoul national university.





Father ; Hwang Sungcheol `( 황쑹철 ) | 47 | Founder of Samsung Inc. | Whimsical, ingenious, extravagant, rational, workaholic

— - ♢ An okay relationship, I might say. Her father is a caring and very nice one, he just seems to never have the chance showing it to Iseul. A bit awkward at times, but Sungcheol do tries his best to make his family happy. They don't talk often but they both knew their affection with each other. Iseul occasionally phoned his father if she has time. Eventhough Sungcheol is a busy person, he managed to find family time for all of his children and beautiful wife.


Mother ; Emi Tanaka `( 恵美田中 ) | 45 | Interior Designer | Indulgent, eloquent, maladroit, cognizant, sensible

— - ♢ Emi is just like any other mother in the world. Unfortunately, she can't cook at all. She always left the cooking task to either Iseul or Reina. Other than that, she is the best mother on the world. She's very caring with all of her children, will listen to all of her children problems although sometimes she could be a little bit judgemental, she often being a worrywart, even on the smallest thing ever. She shows her affections frequently and try to blend the awkward situation between the family into a more comfortable one. Like a bridge. Iseul loves her mother so much and have a very close relationship with her.


Sister ; Hwang Reina `( 황레이나 ) | 15 | Student | Effusive, loquacious, unmotivated, lethargic, absurd

— - ♢ Cats and dogs? Reina and Iseul have a love-hate relationship with each other. It's not like that bad, they're like the opposite of each other. Sometimes, Iseul gets annoyed by Reina talkative-ness, but actually they care for each other. In a different way. Iseul missed her sister so much since she moved to Seoul so usually Reina called Iseul twice a week just to hear her voice or ending up getting in a playful argument.


Brother ; Hwang Yoogeun `( 황유근 ) | 10 | Student  | Vigorous, cordial, genial, ludicrous, fussy

— - ♢ Yoogeun is the cutiest little thing on earth! He's very adorable, at least to Iseul. One thing that Reina hates about Iseul moving to Seoul thing is to take care of Yoogeun because she doesn't get along well with him. But to Iseul, Yoogeun is a nice and kind boy. She willingly takes care of him everyday, granting everything that he wants and loving him with all of her heart. She often treats him with his favorite ice cream, help him on his study, and wanders around the beach together. They're really really close with each other, more than Iseul's relationship with Reina and she really missed Yoogeun at the moment because she can't meet him. Overall, they managed a healthy sister-brother relationship with each other.





Best Friend ; Choi Jihye `( 최지혜 | 26 | Chef | Anxious, witty, prudent, vigilant, lenient

— - ♢ Jihye, oh Jihye. They have been friends since Iseul was eight-year-old. She is the first friend Iseul had when she moved to Jeju-do, South Korea. Jihye is really a humble, down-to-earth person. She is very mother-like. Jihye is like a big sister for Iseul. She's always there when Iseul needs her to give some advices, comforts her, or just letting out her feelings. It's when Jihye left Iseul all the way to Seoul 5 years a go she realized how much Jihye is worth for her. And when Iseul said she's going to chase Jihye all the way to Seoul and takes one step closer from achieving her dreams, Jihye instantly helped Iseul by letting Iseul to live with Jihye until she had a permanent job and again, supported her all the way. Words could never explained how big is Iseul's love to Jihye and otherwise. They can't live without each other. Just like sister from another mother.


Friend ; Kim Taeyeon `( 김태연 ) | 24 | Singer | Jaunty, jubilant, airy, bold, buoyant

— - ♢ Taeyeon and Iseul have a very unusual first meeting. It was once back then when Iseul came to Seoul for the first time. She stumbled across a building and accidentally bumped into someone because she was too focused on searching the adress Jihye had gave to her. Yes, sounds cliche but your guess it's right. She bumped into Taeyeon and quickly said sorry. Fortunately, Taeyeon was okay and helped her to go to Jihye's apartement and realized that they are neighbours with each other. Since then, they be friended each other and remain on being close friends until now.


Friend ; Do Kyungsoo `( 도경수 ) | 20 | Idol | Aloof, relaxed, insouciant, gawky, stiff

— - ♢ Kyungsoo and Iseul's have a quite close relationship with each other actually. They met through Taeyeon, then started to get closer since then. Kyungsoo might seems a lot of shy and distant, but actually he isn't like that. In fact, it's because his aloofness and his very stiff personality that makes Iseul interested on being friends with him. It's just he finds it's a bit hard to approach someone sometimes. He's really clumsy too and loves to make Iseul laugh by his personality. Kyungsoo is really nice to Iseul. They get along very well and often, Kyungsoo came to Jardin Cafe to meet and talk with her.





Likes : 
— - ♢ Green Tea 

— - ♢ Starry Nights

— - ♢ Beach

— - ♢ Crayons

— - ♢ Wine Colours

— - ♢ Paper Cranes

— - ♢ Shakespeare / English Literature

— - ♢ Marine Biology

— - ♢ Classic

— - ♢ Lilacs

— - ♢ Puppy

— - ♢ Triangle 

— - ♢ Ballad

— - ♢ Chocolate

— - ♢ Bubblegum

— - ♢ Music Box

— - ♢ Sunsets

— - ♢ Polaroid

— - ♢ Rooftop

— - ♢ Sushi

Dislikes : 

— - ♢ Comic

— - ♢ Horror

— - ♢ Drama Queen

— - ♢ Unnatural Fragrance

— - ♢ Hot Pink

— - ♢ Insects

— - ♢ Aegyo

— - ♢ Hypocrites

— - ♢ Chicken

— - ♢ Chucky

— - ♢ Clowns

— - ♢ Pumpinks 

— - ♢ Hardcore Metal

— - ♢ Mountains

— - ♢ Salty Food

— - ♢ Stilettos

— - ♢ Hypocrites

— - ♢ Neon Colours

— - ♢ Junk Food

— - ♢ Coffee

Hobbies : 

— - ♢ Stargazing

— - ♢ Ice-skating

— - ♢ Watching Movies

— - ♢ Jogging

— - ♢ Playing Piano

— - ♢ Making Paper Cranes

Fears : 

— - ♢ Failures

— - ♢ Heights

— - ♢ Cats

— - ♢ Balloons

Habits : 

— - ♢ Chewing gum. Always.

— - ♢ She writes on her diary everyday

— - ♢ Playing with her pens

— - ♢ Counting her footsteps

Trivia :

— - ♢ She can't drink alcohol at all or she'll be drunk in no seconds

— - ♢ She has anemia and fainted easily

— - ♢ Bloodtype is AB-

— - ♢ She has a siberian husky named Alex

— - ♢ Currently taking a Marine Biology major and Performing Arts minor at Seoul National University

— - ♢ The only right-handed member in the family

— - ♢ She can't drink alcohol at all or she'll be drunk in no seconds

— - ♢ She has anemia and fainted easily

— - ♢ Bloodtype is AB-

— - ♢ Never forgets to bring her favorite novel in her bag

— - ♢ Secretly a big fan of Kang Dong Won but never admitted it

— - ♢ All of her siblings have the same birthday like her

— - ♢ She can sing and play piano

— - ♢ Is a Christian

— - ♢ Favorite number is 8

— - ♢ Her motto : "Rely on yourself only, and follow your heart."

— - ♢ Highly allergic to cold weather

— - ♢ Has been studying in California before for one year

— - ♢ She has a iPhone 5S Gold 32GB given by Xiumin on her birthday because she is too out-dated

— - ♢ Mild deaf so she needs to use hearing aids daily





Name : Kim Minseok `( 김민석 ) | EXO

Age : 23

Birthday : 26 March 1990

Personality :

` ( the flirtatious cassanova ) ; xiumin, as you called him, well, it's really a flirtatious cassanova. yep, he is flirtatious, and he's proud of that. seductive and utterly romantic. he shows his affection often to every girl he meets like giving them flowers or serenading a song. his charm could instanly melted every girls away and he knows how to make a girl happy. caring as you may say, or cunning on the other side, he is a number one playboy in the universe. he doesn't talk much, he swallowed it all with emotions and body language. he sure is rich, popular, arrogant, and uses that as advantages to flirt with women. look at his stare, how y have they become? just say, it's the power of the so-called kim minseok


` ( stop it right there, boy ) ; but, oddly enough his personality will change completely to his crush. his poker face have their nice side, too. if he truly loves someone, he will do anything for her. he's quite self-reliant though, which is a good thing because he can handle his playboy attitude well according to the situation. he loves attention. 100% a certified attention seeker. deep down there, he's a hopeless romantic who gets jealous easily. he wants her crush just to look at him. and him only. he's get attached fast but is loyal. loves showing off everything he has. picky and a true perfectionist, rarely smiles. he said he's saving it for the one he truly loves. super bipolar. as long as you know he really loves you, he'll treasure you like a diamond.

First Meeting : So, it was one of those days when Kyungsoo makes a visit to the cafe. But, this time, he brought a guy. As usual, Iseul served him. Accidentally, Iseul spilled the coffee she has made to the guy's lap and apologized. Xiumin, on the other, was very relaxed and flirted with her instead. Iseul gets annoyed but decided to brush it off. Since then, Kyungsoo introduced him and gave her his business card because apparently, Xiumin's family work at Samsung Inc.

Relationship : Again, they met through Kyungsoo and remains a good relationship with each other. They didn't met with each other often but when they do, it's usually in the cafe. Xiumin loves marine biology too and often came over to the cafe just to talk with Iseul alone. They chatted and Xiumin try to flirt with Iseul, giving her free opera tickets or buy her flowers just to accept the fact that Iseul never realized his true intentions of doing that. They love holding a deep romantic themed conversation and have a light date like watching movies. Still no strings attached, but who knows, really?

Backup's Name : Byun Baekhyun `( 변백현 ) | EXO

Ending : Xiumin was a playboy at first, so he thought Iseul would be one of many other girls that he had dumped before, but Iseul's attitude prove him wrong. Xiumin started to grow affection and love to Iseul because of her unique charm and eventually become close friends. In the end, Iseul made Xiumin learned many things about lifewell it's mostly about true love thoughuntil they realised if they loved each other and since then, Xiumin dated her, changed his attitude, proposed her and lived together forever with a happy ever after ending.



Finish Line


Scene Suggestions : 

— - ♢ Xiumin heard Iseul singing and serenaded her

— - ♢ Xiumin taught Iseul how to play guitar

— - ♢ Xiumin first meeting with Iseul

— - ♢ The opening of Jardin Cafe

— - ♢ Their first meeting together

— - ♢ Kissing scene, a romantic one

— - ♢ Iseul suddenly fainted and Xiumin helped her

— - ♢ A vacation to the Beach with Xiumin and all of the Jardin Cafe's employees

— - ♢ Iseul went to Xiumin apartment, stargazed together and went to the rooftop to do some late night love conversation talks that bring me them closer to each other until Xiumin boldly told his feelings and asked her out 


Comments : I think this story will be adorable! I hope you enjoy my application because I work hard on it and sorry for the grammatical errors here and there because English isn't my first language so I've tried my best to finish this application.


Password : No, it's not :)


Anything else : Open this, please? 



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