xSeven — Tachibana Tomomi | Tommy


Tachibana Tomomi — The Rapping Princess

—It's All Up to You:
Username: asian_celebration

Something I Can Call You: Sia.

—The Facts:
Name: Tachibana Tomomi (橘友美)

Other Name(s): Tomomi's Korean name is Ahn Jomi. Her English name is Erica Tachibana. Both were chosen by the company.

Nickname(s): Mikan (synonym of the character her last name is written with) & Tomochan, especially among Japanese fans. And "Tomohime".

Age: 21

Birthday: September 14th, 1992

Ethnicity: Japanese

Nationality: Formerly Japan; recently, Korean.

Language(s) Spoken: Japanese (native), Korean (advanced but she's better when she's rapping) 

Birthplace: Fujimi, Saitama, Japan

HometownFujimi, Saitama, Japan

Blood type: AB

ual Orientation: Heteroflexible

—Woman in The Mirror:

Faceclaim: Yoo Ahra

Gallery: Gallery

Faceclaim: Yoona

Gallery: Gallery


Height: 167 cm

Weight: 50 kg


Etc.: None.


Style: Tomomi's style is comfortable, mostly oversized clothes. She prefers comfort over style and that certainly show. Tomomi is fairly close to the girls of xSeven and doesn't mind showing her slob side around them...or the fans, or the people at the airport. An oversized sweatshirt and skinny pants is the way to go.

—Yeah, but What Else?:
Tomomi is a very considerate girl. She's polite and extroverted, and makes very good company; she makes friends with other idols very easily, and is known for being a very popular member of her group. Tomomi is recharged from being around other people, and interacts with a lot of people for that very reason, even if they're the type of people that don't really like human interaction. Tomomi is an absolute pleasure to watch on variety shows, too. She knows when it's appropriate to crack jokes and has great comedic timing; she's also good at physical humor. Tomomi is the member of the group that is generally lazy and complains a lot, but she makes up for her complaining by practicing hard. She's very naturally happy and positive, providing a lot of sunshine for xSeven. Nothing makes this girl upset, not even the bad times. She's so positive it's infectious. She's even known as xSeven's happy virus. 
Tomomi is a bit of a rude girl, though. Her brain to mouth filter...well, she doesn't have a brain-to-mouth filter. She says what's on her mind for better or for worse - usually, for worse. She's brutally honest without even meaning to be brutal about it, but she's cruel and rude more often than she isn't. Tomomi also holds grudge easily. When you wrong Tachibana Tomomi, she never forgets and will start hating you from that day on. She's a bit self-obsessed, too. She cares about her groupmates, but when it comes to their bigger problems, Tomomi has no idea how to act. Tomomi isn't the type of person that takes anything seriously, which usually comes back to bite her in the end. 
  • Mandarin oranges
  • Green tea frappuchinos
  • COMA-CHI - a Japanese rapper and Tomomi's role model
  • Boy London - her favorite fashion brand.
  • Kittens
  • Alicia Keys - another one of Tomomi's role models. She really wants to better her singing.
  • Cute things
  • Sweet food of any kind. 
  • Dangan Ronpa - she has a PSP and plays both games on a regular basis.
  • Donuts
  • Coffee


  • Lattes. Tomomi will drink any kind of coffee besides lattes.
  • Not being able to understand what's going on on variety shows due to her not-as-good grasp of Korean.
  • y concepts. Tomomi doesn't suit them well.
  • FIESTAR fans that hate on xSeven since they debuted so shortly afterwards.
  • Being spoken to impolitely.
  • Being called noona, even if the person in question really is younger than she is.
  • Korean proverbs that she doesn't understand.
  • Pokemon.


  • Tomomi's hair is naturally very long and straight. Her habit is curling it with a finger.
  • When she speaks in Korean, she progressively gets faster and faster as her sentence goes on.


  • Practicing her rapping and Korean at the same time.


  • Tomomi is known for her long, straight hair.
  • Tomomi has trained with 3 companies: LOEN Entertainment, SM Entertainment and Hello! Project Kenshuusei.
  • Tomomi really likes the color orange.
  • Tomomi is a closet nerd.
  • Tomomi dresses much cuter onstage than she does in real life.
  • Tomomi loves matcha.
  • Tomomi is the type of person with a lot of really close friends; she's somehow that lucky.
  • Tomomi often buys lottery tickets.
  • Tomomi's family owns a house in Jeju Island.
  • Tomomi is the most popular member of xSeven among Japanese fans.

Pets: [Optional; provide a name and an image and if they live in xSeven's dormitory.]

—Tell Me Your Story:
Background: Tomomi is the only daughter of the richest family in a small Japanese town, but rather than working in the business of her parents, Tomomi always wanted to be a performer. She grew up idolizing groups like Morning Musume and AKB48, tuning her in to the Japanese idol scene.
In 2005, Tomomi joined Hello! Project Egg, a Japanese training agency for young girls. Tomomi's parents were less than pleased with her descision, and eventually Tomomi agreed that she wasn't getting much out of H!PE. She stayed out of performing for two years before auditioning for SM Entertainment, moving to Korea without telling her parents, in 2007. By then, she'd been far past disowned from her family, so really, Tomomi didn't care. She had dreams to chase.
Tomomi stayed with SM Entertainment until 2011, when she switched to LOEN after realizing there was a very small chance of her debuting as an SM Idol. Despite abandoning her family, she's been happy ever since.
Tachibana Makoto | Mother | Housewife | 52 | Motherly; strict; protective; awkward; submissive | 2/5
Tachibana Kazuya | Father | Business Owner | 56 | Strict; strong-willed; close-minded; ambitious; quiet | 1/5
Oogawa Minato | Barista & Actor-in-training | 23 | Sweet; good-hearted; clumsy; awkward; kind | 3/5
Henry Kinogawa | College student | 21 | Cold; standoffish; warm on the inside; odd; eccentric | 3/5:
Mori Saki | Idol (Up Up Girls, UFZS) | 20 | Hyperactive; energetic; kind; spacey; talented | 3/5
Furukawa Konatsu | Idol (Up Up Girls, UFZS) | 21 | Focused; serious; kindhearted; passionate; leaderly  | 3/5
Byun Baekhyun | Idol (EXO-K) | 21 | Clever; playful; prankstery; a bit rude; funny | 3/5
Victoria Song | Idol (f(x)) | 26 | Brave; confident; motherly; nice; a bit ditzy| 3/5
Best Friends
Hiragawa Natsumi |  College student, theatre major | 21 | Introverted; sweet; a bit awkward; careful; shy (opposites attract or something, and plus they've been friends forever.
Rivals: [I'm not a fan of rivals, but I know some people are, so you can have one. 1! This many. O-N-E. Can bea nybody and can be friendly!]
Name | Relation | Occupation | Age | Five Traits | Why are you Rivals?

—Love, Love, Love:

Love Interest: Park Chanyeol 

Status: They hit it off as soon as Tomomi became a trainee. So really close friends.

Age: 21

Occupation: Idol (EXO-K)

Personality: Chanyeol is known as EXO's happy virus. He's cheerful, bright, and positive, much like Tomomi. Also much like Tomomi, he hides his emotions unless he's around people he really, really, really trusts. He's passionate and very clever, as well; his sense of humor is very stealthy, as opposed to Tomomi's more upfront sense of humor. He's awkward around strangers, but warms up to other people easily.
First Meeting: Tomomi ran in to Chanyeol one day as she was being very, very lost in the SM building. They were both there for rap lessons, and he showed her to the classroom. 
Interactions: They're joking, laughing, and smiling whenever they're together. They're very sickeningly sweet around each other, as well; Toyeol, or Chammy, is a very popular ship among the members of xSeven and EXO. They should probably just date already. 

Love Interest: Kim Joonmyeon / Suho

Status: Friendsish.

Age: 22

Occupation: Idol (EXO-K)

Personality: Suho is a sweetheart. He's really angelic, hardworking, kind and tolerant; a group couldn't ask for a better leader. He's fatherly and sweet and nice, and protective over his friends. He's also very caring to s and his friends, and will care for them and protect them no matter what.
First Meeting: As trainees - even rappers need vocal lessons.
Interactions: To put it simply, Tomomi talks a lot while Suho listens. Easy.

—Lights, Camera, Idol:
Trainee Years: 2 years

Previous Company — Time Spent: Hello! Project Egg - 2 years, SM Entertainment - 4 years (for a grand total of 8 years)

Trainee Years: Other than meeting Chanyeol and her various idol friends, none.

Pre-Debut Experiences: Appeared in the video for IU's Red Shoes as a backup dancer.


Stage Name: Tommy

Persona:  The Rapping Princess

Position: Main Rapper, Vocal

Backup Position: Lead rapper, sub-dancer

Personal Fan Club Name: Oranges

Personal Fan Club Colors#FE642E


Social Media: Twitter: @tomohime92, Instagram: @tommy927, Ameblo: xseventommy


Reason for Becoming an Idol: Mainly, to prove to her parents that she could. They disapproved of her becoming a performer from the start and she thoroughly plans to prove them wrong.


Twins: [The main vocalist can't rap like Miryo; the main rapper can't dance like Hyoyeon; the main dancer can't sing like Taeyeon. Lead is second best to main. Everyone's a vocal so you can't skip the vocal section. With that in mind, please choose realistically; I'll probably jump on you if your twins aren't good.]

—Singing Twin: Ahreum 
—Dancing Twin: Ahreum
—Rapping Twin: Tymee/E.Via
—No Crying Till the End:

Questions, comments, concerns?

Scene Suggestions:

Song Suggestions: [Especially for the debut! I was thinking Tell Me Tell Me or My My but you never know, you know?]

Anything else?








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