Who wants to see pictures of my friends?!! Shh... They don't know I put this up.. *whispers*

These are my friends. The one on the left is one of my best friends and she's really talented. She can sing, dance, rap and draw! :D

And the one on the right is one of my closest guy friends and he's a year older than me. :D

These are a group of my friends. ^^

The two people at the back are two years older than us but we're still friends with them. XD

And my best friend and the one wearing a pair of glasses is a member here in AFF. Hehehe... They're so going to kill me. XD

And this is my other best friend!

Isn't she cute and pretty~

But she doesn't think so herself. =3=

And... She is Emi_Park!

Muahahaha! Choding ah! I reveal your photo~ :P

P.S She has a crush and her crush likes her back but she doesn't want to confess to him *whispers*

These are another group of friends of mine.

They're such dorks that I want to slap them each time. *rolls eyes*

And the one who's wearing the glasses on the right has a crush on my best friend. Hehehe.. Shh.. Don't tell him that I told you that.

But how is he suppose to know when he doesn't have an AFF account. :P

And this is another guy friend of mine.

He's a troller that I want to kick him to the end of the earth. *rolls eyes*

Here's another guy friend of mine.

He's really rich. XD

He even have his own credit card. *whispers*


Well that's all for now! If they found out about this, they're so going to kill me. XD

P.S I have another two guy friends that I haven't revealed yet. But I'm too lazy to upload more.

I'm a lazy sack of potatoes. XD

Well, bye~


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Are you guys from Indo?
I'll kill you if I were your friends in those photos...Muahahahah
I'm just kidding. It's good to have friends around you. Treasure them and the time with them bcos you won't know what will happen and cause a crack in your friendship. I'm saying this bcos sth happened to one of my closest friend and I... ):
all so young. grah! i feel old~
Ish ish... yeahh.. you should've ask for permission.. hehe.. btw, the last one looks cute