Okay so I woke up this morning like every other day. I took a shower, spent an hour trying to figure out what to wear, and still didn't eat my breakfast. Same old same old. Well I'm halfway dressed an my sisters like 'NO SCHOOL TODAY' and I'm like 'THE ?? 0-0' 

so I look I look outside and there is not a speck of ice, snow, or anything in between on the ground. It was perfectly clear! And yet the districts like 'Nope you're not going to school today' 

i was actualy looking forward to school today and man, my choral directors are gonna fall over and die I swear. Today was supposed to be our last day to practice for our annual big winter concert and now we don't get to practice and they kept spazzing about being short on time (like they do every year even though everything turns out great in the end) and they're gonna be worse than ever on Monday. Though I guess I kinda understand why they freak... It's such a huge concert and we spend enormous amounts of time preparing for it. 

Then apparently our football team FINALLY made I to finals of whatever (idk football stuffs sorry lol) and they haven't lost any games yet and they're at the end of the season, but because everyone's spazzing about the weather (WHY IDK CAUSE IT'S PRETTY DAMN CLEAR TO ME) and how they may not get to see the big game and like ugh! So now that we dont have school, people are freaking out, thinking that theyre not gonna get to play the game for some reason. No one will up about that game and it's all over the news paper and the school website and it's all people talk about and I really just wanna yell 'SHUT UP' to everyone. Or maybe Ill just bring some duct tape and rope... 0.o 

Anyways, now I can't go back to sleep and I wish someone would have told me before I woke up! Ugh stupid school district, canceling school for no reason.

so really school district?! WHY IS THERE NO SCHOOL??


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kara224 #1
lol i wish i had no school but even if its snowing school is always open. so annoying. but i hope everything goes well in your concert :)