✣ Polarize • Skylee • Technology Manipulation

oh seyeon
april 12, 1994
technology manipulation
Date of Birth: April 12, 1994
Ulzzang: Baek Sumin
Birthplace & Hometown: Manchester, England & Seoul, South Korea
Ethnicity: Korean
Languages: English (fluent); Korean (native); Chinese (semi-fluent)
Personality Traits : Ambitious ; childish ; stubborn ; hard working ; high spirited ; intelligent ; unique ; unpredictable
Love Interest: Xi Luhan
Short Interaction: The two looks like siblings. They hang out together and always do something together. Seyeon is like a kiddo when he's around, and Luhan is the caring big brother. Their closeness bring jealousy from her younger twin brother, Sehun who wants her attention too and being a good sister she was, she always let Sehun hang out with them, and that bring jealousy to Luhan too, he wants her attention, like Sehun. They rarely fight and looks really close, the other thinks that maybe they're a couple.
Persona: The 4D Double-Edged Sword Kiddo
Power: Technology Manipulate
Explain Your Power: Technology Manipulate or also known as Technopathy is an abilty to manipulate technology and technological constructs, computers, robots, hardware and other devices that can be termed as "technology". Manifested as a special form of electrical or telekinetic manipulation, a special form of "morphing" which allows physical interaction with machines or even a psychic ability that allows mental interface with computer data. Can control the flow of intricate machinary and can allow them to assemble/disengage their programming at will. Can operate most technology just by touching or looking.
Comments: Hi! i've edited my app ^^ i fell in love with the storyline *Q* SORRY FOR ANY GRAMMAR MISTAKE, ENGLISH ISN'T MY FIRST LANGUEGE /BOW. I HOPE YOU LIKE HER AND ENJOYS READ HER PROFILE :3 hope she gets chosen~
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