Enchanted tabby blogs

Hey everyone.... If you read this well thanks and hello.

this blog is to tell you guys that I'm not motivated to update at the moment...for two reasons

reason #1 

I have post concert depression. Recently I went to a taylor swift concert which was amazing. Just thought I'd say that but anyway this is keeping me from writing because I'm still marveling over how wonderful the concert was ahaha. 

Reason #2 

this reason is more serious. Well I feel that only one of my stories (will this work?) is being appreciated. My other stories seem to be going no where and I feel like I'm writing to a brick wall because hardly anyone comments or gives me suggestions. But thank you anyway. 

Hopefully I'll be motivated to write soon... This post concert depression will wear off in about two months lol but I'll update soon as a Christmas present for you all :) 

thank you to all of my subscribers and those who comment. Continue to support my stories and give me any suggestions 

-enchanted tabby xx stay safe over the Christmas holidays! 


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uuuu~ *does the arm wave*