THE RING // Kim, Yi Dong // Friend


❝in this corner❞

full name: Kim, YI DONG
(yonggie) || his sister calls him this from time to time usually when she needs him for something. (kimdong) || just dropped the yi, shorter way to address him. his few friends call him this.
date of birth: 02 / 12 / 1996
age: 17
grade: 11th
height&weight: 175cm // 56kg
ethnicity: korean
languages: CHINESE | FLUENT // Japanese | FLUENT // English | Semi-Fluent

❝round one❞

face claim: jo geun hyeon
photo links: n / a
backup face claim: jang hyeon
photo links: n / a
character's style: being known to the public he puts effort into his day to day look. Everything he wears must be color coordinated and without a stain, or wrinkle in sight. He also really loves hats and shoes, the boy could open his own store with all the shoes and hats he's bought. When it comes to his school uniform he is pretty much the same cannot be wrinkled or have a stain, and he must wear black dress shoes.

background: Yidong grew up in a first class family his mother a surgeon and his father a CEO of a big time electronics company.

Though he and his older sister was raised by their grandparents. Reason was because of the different living arrangements both adults had, his father was currently residing in Tokyo, Japan while his mother was in Seoul, South Korea.

Living with his grandparents wasn't bad he got all the caramel candy and homemade biscuits he could hold. He could also be around his grandfather who he quite idolized for his intelligence. When Yidong was little he was all about the learning. Whatever it was and even if it gave him nightmares he wanted to know. His grand father was the outlet who gave him such information. They would have these elaborate conversations that a boy his age shouldn't be able to convey in anyway.
At the age of nine his grandparents had his own personal library built in the house they had lived in for most of Yidong's life. He read every chance he got. During this time Yidong wasn't a very talkative boy he was too adsorbed in the life of books and studying others behavior from afar.

Entering middle school wasn't much different and if you'd ask his grandmother or sister they'd blame his grandfather's death during the summer the reason why. Yidong had gotten quieter though so he made use of notes and white boards for communication.

He found it useless to use his voice without reason. He didn't have much to say unless it had something to do with answers to questions or random facts he spews from time to time. This nature though left him friendless and unapproachable. Many people thought he was cold person who didn't want to give anyone the time of day.

This worried the teachers very much because he would deliberately remove himself from people so there came times that he was force to see a psychologist. This psychologist though in time became the only person who could pull Yidong out of the shell he had put himself in. He had help him get over his grand fathers death as well as his sister leaving for college. Who had been a temporary replacement for his grandfather after his death. Other than that Yidong had finally found someone to hold his attention wither it be their similar liking to pick apart people or just talking about information they’ve both come to know through studying various things. The psychologist also recommended him to a prestigious school focusing entirely on education. Going home with a handful of flyers and brochures Yidong had made the decision to apply to the school in hope to meet many people who valued education as much as he did. He wanted a friend. Other than the adults who had taken a liking to him because of his unlimited knowledge and ability to converse about the most recent or old news.

personality traits: Blunt, Neat, Logical,Cunning

personality: Not your usual reserved male. Having enough knowledge to run his own library he mistakenly comes off as some smart who doesn't know how to shut up sometimes. He has a knack for knowing everything wither he’s suppose to or not, so he uses his good looks and skillful talking to get the information he wants. When he doesn't want anything he is usually the quiet male who is stubborn if he doesn't get his way. A flaw of his is being overly blunt. He doesn't actually care what comes out of his mouth because what he says about people or topics at the time are usually always true. He is also very logical which some cases is a blessing but when it comes to joking around he is the first to point out logical reasons or ways out of situations, therefore people tend to stir clear of him when it comes to joking because he'll always bring down the mood. He loses interest in things pretty fast wither it be a person or work. Even though he finds humans to be the most fascinating being ever, and he could just study a person for hours only for his own personal gain. Though his loss of interest causes him not to give a person the time of day or finish work he began. Yidong is extremely hot-headed he is easily provoked when it comes to people attacking him physically or verbally. Arguing with him will not solve anything because nine times out of ten Yidong will say something completely over the line. He also doesn't let things go easily. He is a perfectionist so rushing him to do things isn’t the best route to go. Yidong is also very gutsy he doesn't turn down many things and will try anything people throw at him. He loves learning and improving in things and will stick to them as long as he can. Yidong can be very surprising at times he does some odd things some being making weird combinations of different foods , taking pictures of people at random times, and just talking about the most random things that come to mind. He is also clumsy which something he hates about himself but others find it adorable because when he falls, lets things slip from his grasp he usually always have the same irritated puppy dog look on his face while cursing at himself in his mind. Yidong has a mild case of OCD, he has specific ways of doing things and has to do them that way. He gets antsy when something is out of order or messy in general.

plot: A Friend | Drowning oneself in the studies of their choice is the comfort that most people loved, though feeling entirely alone when it comes to such a love,ends in malfunction. Entering high school the only way to make it easier is if you have someone to catch you before fall. Wither it be a relationship or friendship you'll need someone. So this is what Yidong is searching for an actual friend who'd catch him.

❝round two❞

sports; ) soccer and track being his favorites
classical music; ) it helps him relax after having a hard day
photography; ) he does this in his free time & to keep documents of where he's been.
outdoors; ) he loves camping, hiking, just being outside in general
television; ) if there is time in between his schedule he would stay glued to the tv watching law enforcement shows, such as Investigation Discovery, The First 48 which he found mostly on American television.
drawing; ) even though he isn't that good he isn't bad.
cooking; ) he is quite decent at it but watch out he likes to combine random foods together.
rubix cubes; ) he owns about twenty of them and solves them when he needs something to do
fast food; ) he is a very big health nut so you wouldn't see him eating anything high in fat or calories.
messy people/rooms; ) he has a mild case of OCD.
bragging; ) he doesn't get the point of one uping anybody.
annoying people
smoking; ) it stinks and just disgusting
ordered around; ) he's not anyone's personal servant , like many people have said, "God gave you two arms and legs use them."
people touching his belongs; ) his bed, food, just anything that is his in general

He is allergic to cats,nuts, dust, and pollen
Has been learning jazz for six years now
His laugh is rather loud, and he snorts.
He is very competitive when it comes to games.
When learning a new language he uses it whenever he gets the chance to.
He wants to become fluent in English and German.
He doesn't let others clean his room because of his OCD.
He has to do the laundry because their is a specific way he goes about doing it.
He can't stand perfume, cologne, or any type of body spray.
Is a very big fan of Mozart, Bach, and Beethoven.
Sways from side to side when focusing on something
Finger combs his hair when bored
Biting nails
Zoning out

( studying / strong memory ) a talent only few acquire, joking. but he's really good when it comes to remembering things.
( jazz ) took dance for six years, something he does in his free time to stay in shape.
( reading people ) he is really good at reading people and situations.

❝round three❞

| mom | Nam Ji Eun, 48, surgeon at one of the top hospitals in Seoul. She lives close to her job so she can be there at any time possible. She doesn't visit her children all that much unless its urgent. She tries to speak to her children everyday though hoping that'll make up for her not being around as much. Her personality is more of her mothers (Yidong's grandmother who he is currently residing with) shes quite bubbly and talkative. She gets along with mostly everyone and can easily lighten the mood. Yidong comes to her when he needs a boost throughout the day, if he can get a hold of her that is.
| dad | Kim Dong Soo, 50, CEO of Soomung Electronics. Currently resides in Tokyo, Japan to overlook his growing business. Dongsoo's personality is much like Yidong's he is quite reserved and loves to work. He is more distant than his wife in the sense of he doesn't really speak with his kids until vacations and holidays. He isn't close to his kids either so they don't really come to him for anything.
| sibling(s) | Nam Mi Yeon, 21, attending college. She attends a college in Seoul studying to work in law enforcement. Her and Yidong is the closet out of their family. These two followed behind each other whenever they could. Miyeon is someone Yidong comes to for every thing possible he can't live without to be honest.

rival(s) / friend(s):
| name | Ju Jungsuk
| friend / rival | Friend
| interactions | Jongsuk isn't a really a close friend, to be honest he shouldn't really be given the title friend because the fact that Yidong doesn't think of him as one. Though they are around each other most of the time due to the fact that both can actually stand each other. Jongsuk is more on the rebellious side the one who would defy the law whenever he could. There isn't much talking between them but they have that comfortable silence they can't get anywhere else. Basically Jongsuk is the person to call when Yidong just wants a quiet place to sit for awhile.

username | activeness | nickname : friedtofu | 6/10 | nana
scene request:
password: Secret




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