An Apology

I'd like to apologise for my post last night. It was written when I was in a bad mood and I used AFF as my outlet for my emotions. Thank you for all the supportive messages, really, they mean the world to me. I'm sorry I haven't replied back to any of the comments but all I'd say is thank you. I spoke with a friend today and we're in the same boat, both coming from the same academic school and wanting to do art. It was funny. We finally managed to put our situation into perspective: 'Our school punishes us for wanting to live. We're different to the other girls because we want to start living now'. 

For anyone who was worried or concerned, I apologise. Please do not be too worried about me. I've learnt how to read the signs of my moods and I know how to cope and react to them so don't feel too alarmed if I seem a little down. Again, thank you for sharing your concern. With time, these darker periods will be lighter and I am determined that, with time, there will be no more dark periods.

Wounds heal and although they might leave scars, with time and a bit of love and care, scars fade.

Thank you. I love you.


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Fighting, unnie! :)))))
Hwaiting unnie!
Glad you're feeling alright now C:
fighting <3 and feel better soon,love ya <3
Illypoo #4
Love you too :')
What? What happened?
Fighting!!! I'm relieved to hear that... :D Never give up!
It's nothing to apologize for all of us are here right? ^^ and we love you too unnie! :3
;-; chincha unnie? Talk to me if you have any problems~ >< Im here for you♡ Saranghaeyo~