
Epilepsy is a condition characterized by recurrent seizures that may include repetitive muscle jerking called convulsions. A seizure is a sudden disruption of the brain's normal electrical activity accompanied by altered consciousness and/or other neurological and behavioral manifestations.

http://health.yahoo.net/galecontent/epilepsy GO HERE TO FIND OUT ABOUT MORE

Why post this?

Let me tell you more about myself.

I'm Filipino...

Twenty-Four years old...

Eldest of five siblings...

...and I have Epilepsy.

I only knew that I had epilepsy was when I was in freshman year at college, when I had my first major epileptic attack in school. I was 17 at that time.

But I've been having symptoms since I was in high school.

Having been born 2 months early might have caused it or maybe it's really something that was given to me as a special challenge.

Being an epileptic is hard. I've been through so much that when I think about those times I often want to cry.

I've been discriminated, called names, feared (people in our place think that I have been posessed by a demonic power... a lot more.

At first, no one understood how I felt. They didn't know what to do with me. i went from one doctor to another (both medical, herbal and quacks), psychics, ghost experts, priests, exorsists even to someone that is believed to heal by dancing around yelling names, just so that I could be cured.

But... there is no cure for epilepsy.

To be continued....


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hermelyn0497 #1
I... I just found this blog today.... I don't know why or how I got here. I have a friend that is epileptic too. I don't know why or how but she's gone....

I've been diagnosed with Leukemia three or four times but then here I am still alive..

Let's be strong my friend.... Kaya natin to.

*le hugs*
kim_seul_young #2
@nisya_25 there some who still do but most understand it now because people is more aware of it. Epilepsy is often being mistaken for "demonic possession" here and most of the time epileptic persons aren't getting the right treatment(medical and social) that they deserve.<br />
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You're narcoleptic? I hope you're better now. I'm actually seizure free for almost a year now but my meds are super high and it can only be lessened if I'm seizure free for a 5 years. (it's burning a hole in our pockets) but the most important thing for us (my family) is that we are together and healthy.<br />
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@sthyme thanks so much...:)
HyunNi_Shin #3
ahh~~ i don't know that epileptic patient being discriminate like that.. its sad though... did they still treat you like that until now? it's so unfair!! i hate those people!! don't be sad~~ u're a strong girl right?? just ignore those.. remember that u still have us as your friends and we will always support u ;)