Anxiety~ TT^TT

Ugh~ I've been wanting to finish 'Everyone Loves Jello' for months now but the problem is everytime I have free time away from school, work, and other activities my parents force me to do, I start thinking and then end up having all these anxiety and panic attacks. Overall it results in my sitting in a room alone, bawling my eyes out. It's not just stress but this year has been hell. From friend issues to family problems, to several deaths of close friends and family this year has been nothing but major stress. It feels like a lot of my support system that I've built up has slowly been crumbling around me. Sometimes I feel like I should just pack my things and leave... My parents would love that. Eh but I guess that's me partially being synical....I hate complaining but there's nowhere else for me to vent.... :/ sorry for those of you who are reading this. Please don't think badly of me. Anyways I guess that's all the complaining I'll do for to see about getting my wisdom teeth out >~<;; blegh Maybe I'll get some more of the Jello story written while I'm in the waiting room. 


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