I'm pissed because of this...

Oh well... I'm PISSED because of SOMETHING =.="








Why did people think I'm 17 and above? =.="

Seriously... I'm DEPRESSED FOR FEW DAYS because of THIS THING! ><

Worse... yesterday, someone thinks I am 21 =.="

Am I look old enough? ;~;

People said I look mature, that's why xD (although I'm opposite actually)

Just sometimes I'm really, really mature (I praise myself LOL)

....I guess I am. YESHIE I LOOK OLD =.="

I wanna cover my face so you cant look at it LOL

I can't deny the fact I look old! *vanishes in the dark*

You must think on that way too, right? ;~;


~ Minwoo's jagiya <33


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BTW how old are you??
Sorry I don't know..
If you are old,why would you be Minwoo's jagiya??? Of course Minwoo would love girls who are young... Don't worry,Kay dongsaeng???
im 18 years old but my family thinks im 8 years old...
haizt..and i dont like it...i tried hard to look mature..:(((
anyway just be yourself..:))
U shud be happy people thinks like tat >.<
People thinks I look like a 5 yr old!!! :P
i can nit say because i ca not see your face dear. but who cares? just love yourself anf people will love you back. ^_^
You look matured, thats all. You dont have to feel bad about looking mature. Im like you but in the opposite, many people say that the way i talk is mature ==" but i dont really mind cause theres a benefit behind it xD
anniya. >< you aren't old. i look much more older. =P
You don't look old!
+ I just had to say, I have an htc too!
But mine looks different ~
Someone said I look seventeen too,
It was sad -___-
you look young ^^
did you 12 y.o?
u do not look old...me too...kekekeke~~
Capsule #12
I can't see your face properly so I cannot really tell.
You DO NOT look old. Why do people say that?! I'm the old woman here.
you are covering your face XDDD but you dun look old I think ^^