Story ideas?

These days, I have so many ideas for writing stories... but I just don't have time to write them all... it's making me quite mad, because I really think that they're good. Too bad I can't write them - having 4 stories to update weekly is enough; I think that writing more would just lead to stress.

So yeah, if anyone is struggling with no inspiration, feel free to PM me or something, I can share some of my ideas with you xD I'll just post some here (mainly the non- ones, since I don't write non- very often), maybe someone will get inspired :)

1) OC is one of Kai's closest friends. She's a dorky college student from the US (she's Korean American), and she's coming home for the break. She's worried a little about her relationship with Kai, since he's now a popular idol. When they meet again, OC realizes that he's still his dorky old self, and treats him as such. Little does she know that he's developed a crush on her. She's still a crazy fangirl of Taemin, and begs Kai to introduce her to him. Kai doesn't want to, but complies after she pulls off her "daebak puppy eyes" move. When they finally meet up with Taemin, a saesang fan takes a picture of them and posts in online. Suddenly, OC is faced the backslash of crazed exotics, kai-otics, shawols, taemints, taekai shippers, and just k-pop fans in general.

This is exactly the stuff that I love reading/writing! There's just so much to explore, like how far the fans would go (if you read some threads about exo's saesang fans, or about crazed inspirits, you know what I'm talking about), what impact that one photo had on Taemin and Kai, how was their relationship affected because of her, how Kai must have felt when she told him that she's just crazily in love with his best friend, etc...

2) OC is an old rich ahjumma. She feels lonely, so she decides to hire a "companion." A young man, Taemin, replies to her ad, and the two meet. Instead of having a romantic relationship as she originally planned, however, OC is heavily reminded of her first love, Jongin, because of the two's resemlance, and tells Taemin the story of her life...

For some reason, I just want to cry when I think of this story plot. I just can't help but think that it's extremely sad, yet so happy and romantic at the same time. Especially if Taemin turns out to be a listener-type, and actually enjoys being told the story, and encourages her to go on. The two of them could develop some kind of platonic relationship, and... yeah... I'm crying again...

3) Taemin is bored. He just randomly starts browsing the web, when he finds an interesting thread on the official SHINee fanclub site. Curious, he starts reading, and discovers that it's a 2min story. To make matters worse, Minho appears in the room shortly after, only in a towel... Anyway, Taemin discovers that the story is so beautiful, despite it's obvious flaw (come on, there's no way he, Taemin, would ever date Minho, right?), that he just can't stop reading. Soon, however, the story starts turning into a very sad story, and the author says that it's because she's depressed. Determined to make the story happy, Taemin starts looking for the author, because what else could make a fan happier than meeting her idol? What he didn't take into account was him falling in love with her at the first sight...

This is not really a non- story, but still... I think that this is a dream of every fanfiction writer - that their story is read by their bias, and that one day, something happens and they meet... I mean, I can't think of anything happier for us fanfiction writers than this xD Anyway, the part about Minho in a towel was there obviously only to spice things up a little, but you get the idea - I honestly am waiting for a K-drama to explore this topic, because c'mon, the most of "fanfiction" we ever got was probably in Reply 1997, where Eunji's character was famous for her H.O.T. writing...

If anyone got inspired after reading this, or wants to write a fanfic based on these ideas, feel free to do so ^^ Since I never wrote any of this, and I think that while I've never read one, there are certainly some fanfic similar to the ideas proposed here, don't feel obliged to credit me or anything ^^ Just give me a link to the story, because I'd sincerely love to read it!

Actually, if you have any fafic with a fun, fresh, original storyline, feel free to comment it below ^^ I'd love to read it! I'm a little stressed lately due to the finals, and I'm sure a well-written fanfic can cheer me up, even if it was a heavy angst story!


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