
Alright here is the jist of things. 

I just graduated high school.  

I am a health nut and a gym junkie. 

I used to be overweight but I started my lifestyle change almost two years ago and I am in the best shape I have been in for a very long time. 

I still haven't reached my goal weight and that is where my problem lies. 

My sister in law is trying to make the change too. She only started going to gym about 6 months ago. 

I am very knowledgable when it comes to the health side of things. 

Now EVERYONE thinks I am doing too much because I go for morning runs and then go to gym in the afternoon. They also think I don't eat enough. 

I think is a load of bull! 

They try and tell my this crap and they think the know everything. 

I could handle it before but now it is annoying me. 

I live with people who don't want to eat healthy and it is STOPPING me from reaching MY goal weight. 

I want to be HEALTHY and I can't with people who think drowning their food in oil gives it FLAVOUR. 

Like I said I have been doing this for over TWO years, I don't need someone who has been only doing it for 6 MONTHS telling me how to schedule my exercise and what to eat!!


~Sorry everyone I just really needed to get this out there. 

Thanks and on the plus side I plan to be finishing off the rest of my fics because I am back from my hiatus. 

Love, Ari-chan 


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Let the rage out. I'm willing to listen. I deal with saboteurs all the time.
Just because they are unwilling to be healthy, they try to keep us at their level to make themselves not feel bad.
You just keep doing what you know is right for you. There is no point in trying to reason with them.