My thoughts & feels at the moment.

You called yourself my friend,You told me i'm important to you,that i'm close to you,that i'm special.

But when i was hurt,down,facing this cruel world,when i was in need of someone's shoulder to lean on
when i needed you...
where did you dissapear to?

You told me we'll forever be in touch,that you'll forever love me but when you heard about me,heard people bad mouthing believed them.

You said you miss me but when i was trying to talk to ignored me.


You left me in the darkness after the mistakes i did,instead of helping me get up you helped them to crash me down even more. Isn't that what friend's are supposed to do? to help their friends and correct their mistakes?


So don't lie to me. don't be a fake friend to me. you once meant the world to me...

you were once so important to me,my day would be incomplete without talking to you
but you went to enemy's left me after one mistake,calling me names but
you still had the gut to act fake around me? applause for you,dear.


I'm sorry for both of us,i wish everything could turn back to where we were still good true friends for each other...
when we had no fears of anything..when we were...friends.

But...things changed and i can only wish for the timebeing..
But even though you hurt me,i still love you and you're still important.
Take care.... ex good friend,i can no more handle this pain & bull.
Maybe one day things will change...


Sorry for this random burst out lol,just had to take this off my chest orz


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Oh gosh, bb... Those feels; I joke it as well. Sigh. Hope you feel better <3 /gives you virtual ice cream~
Are you okay? ;; Always open to talk~
Omg is it me? sobs ;;
Okay that didn't sound serious at all.
But believe me if I ever stop talking to you.. I am just being lazy n.n when you're lazy orz
If that friend of yours; goes behind your back, calls you names and switches side to your enemies, then that person was never a friend of yours. Use this experience and grow from it :) And...if you need anyone to talk to I`ll be here...anytime^^ <3
I think we all have those stupid friends who do this -_-