Asides from kpop... what else?

Hello everyone! I thought this may be a little interesting to do, since I don't really post anything about myself other than kpop related things, maybe you could get to know me a little better and know some of my tastes. I invite you to do the same thing as well if you want to :)


So asides from kpop... what else? 


Daft Punk has been calling my attention lately, especially with the latest collaborations with Pharrell Williams, those disco and funk beats are addicting and more than pleasing to my ears, for sure.



I'm not really a fan of mainstream, generic pop songs. I like songs that sound unique and different from what everyone is doing. Which is why I tend to get to the hipster side and go for less mainstream artists, lol. My friends always call me a hipster because of that T_T But hey! What's wrong with listening to some indie music? I think there are a lot of great indie songs out there, mind you.


Oh Land has some awesome songs, if you share my tastes, you'll like her ;P



This next song sounds so hipster I feel like putting some over-sized glasses and drinking at Starbucks, really, but the melody is so good I just can't resist it! Screw the stereotypes, the song is great! 



This one is my most recent addiction, there's something about good guitar melodies that instantly catches my attention and makes me addicted!



Florence and the Machine deserves a place here as well, amazing artist!



Mainstream but awesome, Lorde's music is great, and I'm glad she's getting recognized for her talent. More artists like her should be known, more talent, less BS please.



More variety you ask for? Here's something more upbeat for you. It's perfectly fine to have some songs that just makes you want to dance and let loose. This is one of them.



But of course, to me a good artist, and a good song has to have not only a good melody, but GOOD lyrical content. For me to admire an artist's talent, they have to possess the ability of writing works of art in their songs.


Which is why my all-time favorite artists are Queen and Marina and the Diamonds. 


With Marina you just can relate with her songs, she tells a different story in each of her songs, and does it beautifully.



And not only that, but gives better meanings to already existent songs. It may sound harsh on some people, and I apologize if you like this particular artist she gave a redition to... but she literally turned sh*t into diamonds... sorry.



And then Queen... well what can I say. They simply are leyends.




I will stop now, I think I already overwhelmed you too much. Even though I don't think anyone would have the will to listen to every single song I listed, I can't really blame you haha, but it was fun for me to do, so here you have it. Also, as you can see, kpop is not everything I like. There was a time in my life when I would only listen to kpop and nothing else, like NOTHING else, maybe some Queen since I have always been a fan, but other than that, not really. However, lately I've been listening to a wider variety of songs and genres, and getting to know more artists and songs which is cool! ^-^ 




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