A Mushy Mind

I'm angry at myself so I needed to post this so that I could get some sleep.

I'm so frustrated that in one of my stories I realized that the last three chapters that I made really and it was supposed to be the important part of the story the chapters that put all the pieces together!

A lot didn't understand and when I read it for about the 9th time I realized DAMN! They're right.

I'v been overstressed lately and probably not an excuse to my poor updates but it just makes me mad you know? I want my readers to have a great time reading my stories and I do stupid updates like that. I feel like I've let them down you know?

They got confused even more because of the uodates. I'm super sorry to them. Only one person undertsood it. It made me happy that atleast it wasn't such a stupid update and that I might have been to harsh on myself.

I'm not mad at anyone okay?

Just myself.

(sigh) I'll hve to redeem my self confidence and write even more.

I guess when your mind turns into mush it's very frustrating. More for me because I have so many ideas in my head but my mind has completely melted down and I have made a mistake in not making those chapters more clearer.

I feel like I'm a y writer now. (turns into self-pity)

I need  break! ..... a long.... long break to relaz and just chill!....

But how can I do that when there are so many ideas in my head?


i just needed to let these things out... then maybe I could sleep peacefully...


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HyunNi_Shin #1
xaira.. don't stress out.. u did a great job.. i guess u are talking about Boyfriend for hire is it?? chingu yah~~ it's great!! SUPER GREAT!! i understand why u make the chapters complicated at the beginning, but seriously.. the way u make Siwon explain, not only Sungye understood that, but also the rest of the readers.. seriously.. all the things that messed up earlier have being answered finally.. i love it!! i really wish it can be on aired like a drama in real life.. if only i'm a drama producer, sure i'll hire you to be my script writer. hmmm.. if you want to have a rest for a while u may have it.. but not too long though.. i'll be missing your story.. huhuhu^^ nway, whatever it is.. it's great!! seriously!!! i'm not joking!! i'm sure all the other readers also understand it by now.. don't worry chingu~~ FIGHTING!! ;)