Kim Chaekyung's Ticket!





Kim Chaekyung




Name: Bella
Activeness: 9



Name: Kim Chaekyung
Nickname: Chae; her friends call her this because it's shorter
Birthdate & Age: 26/06 & 18
Ethnicity: Korean-American
>>Korean; fluent
>>English; fluent



Personality: Chaekyung is known as the Happy Virus because of her bubbly personality. Everywhere she goes, she lights up the room with her bright personality. There is never a moment where she's sad with her friends. To her, a smile is the best accessory someone can wear and she wears one everyday. People say she has two left feet because she's always tripping over them. She skips around and bounces a lot, but her balance is not good so she often trips but catches herself. She can be very stubborn and doesn't like it when people say no to her. She gets mad at people very easily and is quite hot-headed. Even when she tries to keep her cool, she usually fails. Although she gets mad easily, she doesn't stay mad for long. You can even describe her as bipolar because of how quickly her mood changes.
Background: Chaekyung was born into a rich and well known family in Los Angeles, USA. She grew up in a house that held parties nearly every week therefore she knew many people. Her family owned a mall so she was always very spoiled by her parents and being a single child, she was even more spoiled. For the first six years of her life, she lived in America where she was born until they built another mall in Korea. They moved over to Korea when she was seven which made her mad at first because she didn't want to leave her friends. But, not long after they moved, she started realizing Korea was much better and loved it there very much.
>>biting her finger
>>running her hands through her hair
>>scrunching up her nose
>> her lips


>>she likes cute things
>>she obsesses over anime
>>she hates elevators so she always takes the stairs
>>although she's girly, her favorite color is black
>>she plays piano but not very well
>>she has an obsession with her hair
>>she has been fencing since she was eight
>>she always wears socks when she sleeps
>>she hates it the most when people poke her stomach
>>she sleep talks
>>she always calls herself cute
>>she has a specific chair she likes to sit in
her favorite food is stake


Name & Pics: Bae Suzy & 1| 2| 3| 4|
Back-up Name & Pics: Son Naeun & 1| 2| 3| 4|
Others: She has long, wavy, dark brown hair
Style: Being a girly girl, she wears a lot of skirts and pink. Her closet consists of pink, black, and white clothes mostly and she usually only wears those few colors. She likes to wear necklaces and bracelets, but rarely rings. She really like button up shirts. & 1| 2| 3| 4| & dress




Name: Jung Jinyoung
Age: 20
Personality: Jinyoung is the definition of the stereotypical prince. He's very charming and polite. He is the sweet, caring prince that every girl wishes to have. Being the oldest of the family, he has the burdden of being the perfect child. He takes care of his family perfectly. Although he's nearly perfect, he's bad with people who are new to him and females.
Relationship: Chaekyung admires Jinyoung very much and thinks he's some kind of god. She likes to stick to him and gets very jealous when he talks to other people. Jinyoung is a gentleman towards her. He doesn't make her do anything she doesn't want to do and tries to do the best for her. He has become her bodyguard and keeps her safe no matter what. They very much enjoy each others' company, so they are almost always together. Chaekyung likes to peck his cheek and run away to try and act cute. Jinyoung always understands her motives and never thinks bad of her. Knowing her weak stop, he always tickles her and plays around with her. He likes to step on her foot gently to make her mad and he runs away as well. They enjoy playing games together like tag or hide and seek.
How you met?  Well since you have it planned out and I trust you, you can decide ^^
Trivia: They like to go on walks at night and get coffee.


Suggestion/Comments/Criticism: I really love your idea and I hope my character gets put into such an amazing story. I love this layout by the way x3
Scene Request: Playing with bubbles! 
ID Card: The Big Brother Prince & Princess Fits Perfectly





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