
I have a history paper due tommorrow.... and I CANT CONCENTRATE!!! ;-; Does anyone have any good studying/homework time tips I could use? Because so far i realised the center of my distraction is eunhae...


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When I study, silence works for me... Words just come to me and I don't think, I just write.. [like the essay I'm finishing just now. LOL]
i turn off all my SJ music...all kpop to b exact n listen to classic instrumental music on pandora. i read a study that said listening to classic music while studying help u to concentrate better n it has help me for the past few months.
put ur phone,tablet,computer, and anything tht will make u see and think eunhae for a while.. kekeke..

what i do is, i study ALONE in my SILENT room.. haha! or if tht doesnt work to u..

then better stay on ur living room and KICK EUNHAE on ur instead and let them MAKE LOVE ALONE! MUHAHAHAH.. just make sure their noise wont disturb u.. kyahahah
CallMehhBubz #4
LOL!! XD I'm like the laaaaaast person anymore would want to ask about Studying!! I get Distracted sooo easily! :P I think I need to read some replys also on some advice :DD
Just do it. History is fun (for me) ^^"
You can try to ignore all temptations~
LOLLLLLLL i have the same problem but with kray. what i do is i turn off the wireless on my computer. and i listen to addicting music.
think of this "if you fail,no computer,no computer means no fanfics,no fanfics means no eunhae"

Just think of that and I assure you you'll focus on finishing!

good luck!
tell yourself that if you don't finish your essay, Eunhae will disappear.