Help me end my fanfic?? PLEASE!!

I'm writing the end to one of my fanfics and I can't think of a good way to end it....
Basically Key has stabbed Taemin and Taemin is dying and then I can't think of where to go from there cause Key has to get away with it or die himself. But I don't want him to commit sucide cause... just cause.

Here are the options:
a) Taemin turns the blade and kills Key.
b) Key doesn't die and gets away with it (but i don't know where he would go)
c) Please tell me your ideas!!

Please please please help me!!!!! I need ideas!!! XD XD XD


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i think letter b is fine.
but that would somehow call for a sequel.
B! I don't want key to die...he just need to go far away from them....then don't mention him anymore
I think you should chose B