I got 14 phobias out of 70 (stolen from leeyya)

If you get more than 30, I recommend some counseling.

If you get more than 20, you're paranoid.

If you get 11-20, you are normal.

If you get 10 or less, you're fearless.

I fear........

[] Black people (Oh puhlease anyone with a knife is scary but not all of them have knives)

[] The dark (Living in the middle of nowhere means a lot of dark)

[] Staying single forever(Meh. Does that mean I get to travel a lot)

[X] Being a parent(WHAT IF I RUIN MY KIDS' LIVES)

[] Being in front of others (like in first place? XD)

[] Open spaces

[] Closed spaces

[X] Heights (oh god nightmares of falling >.<)

[] Dogs (Awww cute puppy)

[] Birds (except weird blue jays. I tend to give them the eye.)

[] Fish (dat source of omega)

[x] Cats (the first cat I ever petted bit me >.<)

[] Spiders (Research says you will swallow 8 during your sleep in a life time!)

[x] Flower or other plants (Kinda? Don't like pollen. I would like to avoid poison ivy my entire life thank you)

Total: 4 points

[] Fire (Use to play with it oops :3)


[] Snakes (the only ones I have met are friendly?)

[] Silk (??)

[] Ocean (although it's a bit tad salty)

[x] Failure (mostly for grades >.<)

[] Thunder/lightning

[] Frogs/toads

[] My boyfriend's/girlfriend's dad (FOREVER ALONE UHUHU)

[] My boyfriend's/girlfriend's mom (^)

[] Rats ?

[x] Jumping from high places (AGAIN WITH THE FALLING I once leaped from a bunch of bleachers oh god the pain in my ankles was so much I couldn't move for a few minutes >.<)

Total: 6 points

[] Rain

[] Wind

[] Crossing hang bridges

[X] Death

[] Being robbed/mugged(hopefully never will)

[x] Falling (dude we already justified this)

[] Clowns 

[] Dolls

[] Large crowds of people

[] Men

[x] Women (dude girls are scary >.< You never know what's going in their minds. I know what's in mine: FOOD)

[] Having great responsibilities

[] Doctors

[] Dentist

[] Tornadoes

Total: 9 points

[] Hurricanes

[X] Incurable diseases

[] Sharks

[] Friday The 13th

[] Ghosts

[] Poverty

[] Halloween

[] School 

[] Trains

[] Odd numbers

[] Even numbers

[] Being alone (well the question is just being alone or being alone against everyone)

[X] Becoming blind (Glasses OTL)

[X] Becoming deaf (my hearing is the best too >.<)

[x] Growing up, become old (you do after you see your grandparents suffer)

Total: 13 points

[] Creepy noises in the night

[x] Not accomplished my dreams/goals

[] Needles

[] Bloods

Total: 15 points

I got 15 points

Well. Having falling on there 3 times was clearly unfair :3



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-natsukim #1
Wow! I got 10