As I was walking I did a double take


When a person has had enough, is that the time to tell them you are essentially abandoning them?

No way right?

Not in the minds of some people. 
It just takes one little smidgen of chance for them to break away and say “take that relationship and shove it!”

Sad but true people. Don’t let others tell you there is a fairytale waiting for you round the bend, because there probably isn’t. It’s best to keep your eyes wide open and really think about relationships before starting them, or proceeding to anything serious like .

Trust me I know.

I don’t want to sit here and be all like blah, blah, blah but this is something I’ve had to struggle through twice now.

Guys are jerks; girls are jerks because we are always thinking of ourselves. When the time comes that you cheat or wander or dump somebody great for a quick stint with a hottie that dumps you in just the same way later on, it’s always because we are thinking of being happy.

Happiness is objective though. You make your own happy. No one else can do that for you long term.

So keep your heads on straight and eyes open. Don’t let some newb hit you from your blind side.

Keep that in mind and enjoy your youth while you can!

Because let me tell you, responsibilities .


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I ♥ u guyz!
Iheartlife #3
That's for sure...*sigh*
yoseoblove #4
LOL love your tags: life
yoseoblove #5
So true
jonggggup #6